Divine Ideas

2004-10-9 14:44:00

One more comment on OT postings. I notice that some are overly careful in putting OT in the posts even though they may be talking about a branch of the subject at hand and others in the past have been careless.

Let me remind you that if you are commenting on anything related to what I say then the OT is not necessary.

The Question:
Atmic consciousness is governed by spiritual will whereas Buddhic consciousness is governed by love/wisdom which lovingly feeds the body.

What part of the tree is represented by the atmic plane and why? What is the nature of truth to be discovered there?

The group was right on track with most of the answers given.

The atmic plane is indeed represented by the root system of a tree. The correspondence is interesting.

Even though, from our point of view, the Atmic Plane is formless, it is the plane where form originates. It is sometimes called the archetypal plane where the blueprints for all form originates. It is the plane of divine ideas.

From the Atmic Plane originates the divine idea and from thence it passes down through the trunk of the mental to the branches of the emotional to the leaves of the physical.

There is a misconception of this plane, that all forms and divine ideas exist and just have to be seen and brought down to earth. While it is true that all form does exist there in latent form, or potential, nothing much happens with that potential until a conscious entity raises his consciousness up to this plane.

What happens then?

What happens then is the seeker begins to consciously create on this plane and actives divine ideas with his divine consciousness. An activated idea there is much different than a latent idea. A latent idea may have been sleeping there for an eternity, but now a creator God has seen the idea and called it into life. After it has been called into life it seeks form to express itself and that expression becomes a reality on the mental, emotional and physical plane. Nothing now can prevent its manifestation - the only choice is in the varieties of form in which it can manifest.

Notice that the root of a tree corresponds to the visible tree. The root has a main trunk, then branches and then the tiny filaments which correspond to the leaves.

Here we have a graphic example of the Law of Correspondences which states "as above so below." But notice that the upper part of the tree is similar to the root underground, but far from being and exact replica.

This is an important ingredient in this law. That which is above corresponds to that which is below, but with differences. A solar system is like an atom, but different. The creation of God is always doing new things and does not exactly repeat itself as it proceeds to higher levels.

The root system is therefore the base from which the visible form springs.

The Atmic Plane is the root system from which true ideas come that manifest as form and eventually reach the physical plane.

The truths which manifests in this plane are true ideas.

All things which we call ideas in our reality are not true ideas. Often as person says he has an idea when it is just a recollection of something already in his brain or just a merging of a couple facts. A true idea from the Atmic Plane brings a flashing forth of the intuition when it is presented to one capable of soul contact. When it is presented to one polarized on the mental plane it will make sense and be stimulating. Those polarized on the astral plane will feel strongly about it one way or another.

Now let us stretch your minds and imaginations. The next plane up is the plane of the Monad, the sixth counting from the bottom up, the second counting from the top down. The monad is the originating point of our individual selves, the point of contact for our personal "Father in Heaven."

The monad is the pure spirit energy or an originating point of life or consciousness. The soul is your higher self, but the higher self of the soul is the monad. So when you've achieved soul contact, the next contact o achieve is the consciousness of the monad.

The monad is like the first or originating ray energy, even though monads are found on the first three creative rays.

Below this we have the soul (or solar angel) representative of the love-wisdom Ray or Ray Two.

Finally we have the personality. This is representative of the Third Ray of Active Intelligence.

All together we have a reflection of the Trinity of God in the Spirit (monad), soul and personality (or matter).

What part of the tree, or part in relation to the tree, represents the Monad, and what is the manner of truth to be found on this plane?

It is impossible to walk rapidly and be unhappy. Dr. Howard Murphy