1999-4-1 20:29:00
I just have a minute but wanted to make a comment on Tracy's thought. "She writes, "Well, it was true at one time in my life that I could not walk. That was TRUE. It is no longer true."
Remember, we are talking about truth as points in time and space. Contemplate what this important phrase means. This is a key to harmonizing all of our thought as a group.
It is true that there was a point in time and space that I was a baby and could not walk. But now I am at a different point in time and space I can walk, but that does not change the point in time and space where I could not walk. That still exists and it is still true that as a baby I could not walk.
It is a little like walking along a path and you pass some beautiful scenery. After walking an hour, the scenery changes so it is no longer beautiful. This does not mean that the beautiful scenery behind you no longer exists. You can go back and look at it whenever you desire to go back to that exact point on the path.
Points in time and space are like that. At each point in time and space is a point of truth that will always be.
We are discussing a vast subject here and it will take a while to get through it, but when we do, I believe most of us will see eye to eye not because I am your authority, but because your souls are your authority and all souls are one.
Before I comment on Zia's thoughts I would appreciate it if she could give us her definition of truth so we can speak the same language.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved