2004-9-29 06:10:00
Coolbluelight writes:
I was wondering surely you are aware how the financial system has been set up?
The private banks own and create money right? The government borrows it. There is no way to pay it back. The only way to pay it back is through more borrowing, which leads to more debt. Just about every country is in debt. There is no profit going on. lol.
Money can now made with a stroke of the pen. While the rest of us slaves away to pay it off for the rest of our life. This power In the wrong hands does alot of damage. And this power is in the wrong hands. They do not know what they are doing, it seems.
There are a lot of evils and errors in the world and no one can fight them all at once. One must fight the battles were he has a chance of making a difference. Then when one wins a small battle he can then fight a bigger one and then bigger still.
I have kept track of the banker and other conspiracies for about 40 years and have written quite a bit about them in the archives. My views are fairly unorthodox.
You can go to the Search Archives page and type in the word "conspiracy" (or other words that come to mind) and you should get quite a bit of reading material.
The point is. It does not seem to me that humanity is ready for your books. because most people are still fast, fast asleep and will not listen. Or are to busy controlling. Mainly because of cultural conditioning, lack of education, or lack of evolution within the soul? Whatever the reason it doesn't seem they are ready or will understand as a majority.
Some of the things I write only a few are prepared for. Then there are other things that I write (and will write) for which many are ready.
I don't know if John is real or if he is just a person you made up to get people's attention. This is the problem. I do disagree that you write a book of fiction. It has left me wondering what is true and what is not true.
This is a good thing. This forces you to examine the teachings under the light of your own soul and not blindly accept because of some outward authority.
If a book is fiction it should be made clear that it is, so there is no confusion. Otherwise isn't it no different from being dishonest morally.
It is not dishonest to tell the truth. The truth is the Immortal books are a combination of fact and fiction as far as the storyline goes. The teachings themselves are truly presented to the best of my ability. It is not immoral to not tell all you know. "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing." Proverbs 25:2.
Harriet Beecher Stowe used this method in writing Uncle Tom's Cabin and had the effect of doing much good in paving the way for the conquest of slavery.
Indeed, If you wrote these books as nonfiction. I would be even more interested, and I suspect they would get more attention.
Yes, they would get more attention. There are many who do write fiction and claim it is 100% true. I write fiction and claim there is truth in it.
Most of my writings at the web site mentioned above have no fiction in them. Perhaps you would be more comfortable reading them.
I don't see how America is any exception to the illusion we are for freedom and democracy. Because they are not for freedom or care for true democracy my friend. They are as oppressive as any other nation. Despite their pride. If only because they are ignorant. In this system there is no real freedom. The obstruction is in the so called 'government' which runs our lives.
I do not think Americans are any more arrogant than anyone else. I'm sure many Australians are arrogant but that does not mean the whole nation is.
The governments of all nations obstruct true freedom. It is the duty of the lights of the earth to work toward increased freedom in every way possible.
You ask about UFO's. I have written some about this. Do a search in the archives for "UFO" and see what comes up. Also search for "space" and "space travel."
I'm just rambling now but my main concern is you mention this new age of enlightenment you are talking about with this song of 144,000. It must be part of your fiction? because considering the circumstances It seems there is alot more work to do before anything like that happens.
Why would you be concerned about moving toward greater light?
The greatest test for the Song is to say it regularly for a couple days and see how you feel.
WHY can't john give you the gold bars? what spiritual rules prevent me from making my own money out of thin air? and just as important. . . . . HOW DO YOU DO THAT???
This subject is covered in Book 4.
I am posting this as I write.
Most people sell their souls, and live with a good conscience on the proceeds. Logan Pearsall Smith
Copyright © 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved