2004-9-28 06:26:00
The Question:
We thus see the sublime importance of the statement: "Keep your mind centered in the light."
This is indeed an occult truism, but attempting to do this is not enough. All beginning and intermediate seekers fail at this from time to time. Something else must be done to insure safety.
And this is today's question. What is that something else?
The group gave a good assortment of answers on this and they all are filled with wisdom and good information. Now I'll add an important point.
It is easy to say that we should keep our minds centered in the light, but it is difficult to do,
Because the seeker, especially the beginner, is easily distracted. If then his attention is distracted away from the light what happens?
Quite simply, the energy of his focus and attention is greatly diminished. This causes his attention to shift away from the light to something else that is not light, but is instead the world of shadows or spiritual darkness.
Because the shift is seldom sudden the seeker is often caught off guard and does not notice when this is happening.
Can he notice and correct himself?
Yes, he can.
What must he do?
The first part of the answer is boiled down to two words.
But if this is the only thing that is registered the seeker can still backslide.
What else must he do?
Answer: Pay attention as to whether or not he is paying attention.
How does he do this?
Answer: Just like the cost of freedom is eternal vigilance, even so is the cost of being centered in the light a constant vigilance to paying attention. The seeker must create a consistent habit of checking in with his consciousness and registering where it is. This needs to be done a couple times a day until it becomes automatic.
When he checks in he must still himself and recall how his vibration feels when he is in the light and compare it with how he feels in the present. If there is any diminished light the seeker must examine himself and discover what he has done to aid in its dimming and then correct it.
The seeker must pay particular attention when there is any hurt caused in any relationship or any possible deceit, hypocrisy or theft on his part.
He must always be aware that piety is not spirituality and the appearance of righteousness does not hold the mind in the light. Instead of this, the soul is the key and it's influence must be felt and followed consistently to be assured he will not backslide.
There comes a time that the disciple passes the third initiation and that which took effort no longer takes effort. The disciple is now on automatic pilot to the extent that he is consistently aware and always knows where the light is so correction becomes automatic.
This frees up his attention so he can focus on grasping the divine will so higher steps can be taken.
The first two keys to true knowing are:
(1) You find what you are looking for so look in the right direction.
(2) Pay attention to the light and pay attention to how much you are paying attention.
(3) Make paying attention to the light a habit.
Other good points mentioned by the group are:
(4) Act on your last soul communication so you can receive more - John C
(6) Use the common sense of the lower mind - Robill
(7) Humility - Brother Merritt
(8) Remain Truthful - Cosmic Girl
(9) Paying attention to results - Susan
(10) Conquering lower desires - Evelyn
(11) Burning desire to know - Rick
(12) Receive strength from others centered in the light - Rain
Jesus gave us the truism: You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32
Question: In what way does the truth make us free? Give an example.
When we make mistakes they call it evil. When God makes mistakes they call it Nature! Jack Nicholson's character in The Witches of Eastwick
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved