2004-9-25 06:57:00
During the recount four years ago I analyzed the writing of both Bush and Gore to see what we were in for with the winner.
I thought it would be a good idea to do this again as we approach this election.
In preparation for this I had to do some searching for samples of the candidates writing. Samples of Kerry's are particularly difficult to run down.
In my searches I came across a number of postings on the web by handwriting experts giving their analysis of the two candidates. What I found amazed me. All the analysts I found were big Kerry supporters as was revealed in the first couple lines of their text. Instead of giving an impartial reading they sounded like someone campaigning for Kerry. They saw only good in Kerry and evil in Bush.
I'm amazed that someone trained in this art would let so much bias enter in, for their bias overrode reality for I could not see how they could justify their interpretations. I hope to avoid this in my analysis.
Perhaps one of the reasons for this is that any characteristic can be used for good or evil depending on the intent and the characteristics of the whole person.
For instance, one with strong passion can use this drive to be a Michelangelo or a Hitler - depending on other factors.
That said I will first give you again the analysis that I gave for Bush four years ago I made a few comments in parenthesis: Next I will post a never before posted analysis of Kerry. I will also include handwriting samples you can view on the web.
BUSH ANALYSIS (From Jan 2001)
It seems that many have attempted to make a Dan Quayle out of the guy so I thought I would look at the handwriting samples of both Bush and Gore to see who would have been the brighter president.
I speak with some authority here having 40 years experience in this art.
As I look at their handwriting samples I see that both men are above average in intelligence, but their intelligence is guided in different directions.
Overall the intelligence of Bush and Gore is quite comparable, but while Gore directs his intelligence to projection of image and ideas Bush directs his more internally. He is perceptive and when his interest is aroused he will look below the surface to dig up the facts or the truth. He is much harder to fool that is Gore. When talking to him in person he will perceive your point quickly and likes to cut through the BS and get to the point.
He is fairly intuitive. Although he does not like to take risk without calculation he does trust his instincts.
He has a strong consistency to himself. We will not be seeing two Bushes. He has a mental focus of attention on this consistency and dependability and this is one of the areas where his intelligence is directed.
He is aggressive similar to Gore.
He sets high goals for himself and has a strong sense of purpose and drive to reach them. He also has a strong self image and is confident in himself.
About the only reason I can see that Bush may be accused of lacking intelligence is that when he is under pressure he has some difficulty in sorting out his thoughts and may go on automatic pilot for a short time. (Note: This was probably what was going on during those famous s even minutes of pause while reading to children after 911)
He has a handful of secrets which he doesn't want to tell anyone (such as his DUI arrest) but aside from some items that he feels strongly about he is quite open with his thoughts. Under normal circumstances he will be quite open with the American people and he is above average in honesty. (NOTE: Many have accused him of lying, but I have found these accusation to be based on mistakes not lies. A mistake is not a lie)
He has no suppression of emotion, even though he has very strong feelings and is quite sensitive. When he gets angry he will let the offender have a piece of his mind and that will be the end of it.
The most positive note for him is he is willing to look below the surface and obtain all possible facts when solving a problem. This characteristic is lacking in too many politicians.
Does the handwriting reveal any warning signs about him? No real obvious ones as I saw in Gore, but this does not mean he will not have problems or that he will not make some blunders.
Here are some possible red flags:
(1) He is emotionally sensitive and has a critical thought process. He is likely to offend a number of people during his term, especially when he feels attacked or under pressure. (PRESENT NOTE: He wound up offending many people and nations when he was under pressure to attack Iraq) (
(2) He is likely to get overconfident at times and let is guard down. (This has been a prime accusation, that he is an overconfident cowboy)
(3) Even though he has a practical side he is likely to bite off more can he can chew at times diminishing his chances for success. (NOTE: He bit off plenty when he attempted to turn Iraq into a democracy.)
All the presidents since Kennedy have been of similar intelligence, but have expressed it differently - and this includes Bush.
Overall we should be able to trust him to make reasonably intelligent decisions. He seems to be surrounding himself with intelligent people and this is a good sign.
As far as intelligence goes (again using handwriting) John Kennedy was the most intelligent president of this century - a very impressive thinker and extremely quick mental processes. He would have been a fun person to have had on this list.
End of past analysis
There's much more that could be said, but I will add just one more thing that stands out. His writing shows a gutsyness - for want of a better word. Some have called him a coward for not going to Vietnam, (Believe me - nobody wanted to go) but he does have considerable courage. Right or wrong it took guts to go against the world and risk his reelection to go to war with Iraq. It was a gutsy move to land on the aircraft carrier, to go against the advice of the Secret Service to visit the soldiers in Iraq during Thanksgiving and the most gutsy of all, from my point of view, was to go out to the pitcher's mound in the World Series right after 911 and pitch a strike while wearing a bullet proof vest.
I could just see myself trying such a thing in front of the largest baseball audience in history. I would have probably been so nervous I would have thrown an embarrassing pitch - something like Kerry did recently when he attempted the same thing.
When dealing with the insane, the best method is to pretend to be sane. Hermann Hesse (1877 - 1962)
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved