2004-9-22 04:01:00
I guess I was wrong about the dark one being able to produce the illusion of love and a good feeling (not the real thing) due to the astral plane reversing things around for I was not mention.
Many people associate love with lower desire and selfishness. These people will love for what others can do for them. If they love someone they want to possess them.
These types of people can be deceived by the workers of darkness concerning love. All they have to do is create the illusion that their lower desires will be fulfilled and this will make them happy.
The agents of darkness can use this lower desire to their ad vantage by speaking of spiritual love, God's love
This post did not answer my question and i was sure the astral world had something to do with it since it reverse truth. But due to the fact that this was not mention...makes me wonder.
Relying on the astral without the discriminative judgment of the mind does result in deception. Since we find what we look for and truth is reversed in the astral world then it stands to reason that we should not look for higher truth in the astral work.
Some truth can be found there if the seeker's mind understands the astral and how it mirrors truth.
I notice JJ did not use my comments on why we get deceived, as he use others comments.
I'm sure I always overlook a number of good comments when I post. When I use comments posted on a subject I usually check the subject lines. If you make a post in an unrelated subject line I am likely to not find it when I sit down to write.
I always try to read all the posts, but sometimes when I comment the subject is several days old and I have to review by subject line.
If you can't sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there and worrying. It's the worry that gets you, not the loss of sleep. Dale Carnegie
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved