2004-9-15 06:16:00
Near the end of the gathering Sterling gave an interesting observation. He pointed out that there have been numerous people who believed they heard the voice of God commanding them to do various things that was very harmful, including murder.
Because of such deception he voiced his opinion that Abraham could not have been commanded by God to sacrifice his only son and that we should reject any such thing if we think we hear God commanding us to do something bizarre.
It is definitely true that there are some strange and unbalanced people out there who hear voices and commandments that are definitely not from God. But does this mean that all supernatural directions and communications are erroneous?
After all, most do believe that Jesus received a very difficult commandment from God to yield himself to the cross to demonstrate power over death.
Anyone claiming such a commandment in this age would be deemed unbalanced indeed.
DK has also taught about the fourth initiation where the disciple must sacrifice all that is held dear to the lower personality and gives the sacrifice of Jesus as an example of this that we must all pass through at some time.
Question: Suppose you hear or sense the voice of God directing you to do something very difficult, strange or even dangerous. How should you handle such a thing?
Is there a time to say no, even to God or the Spirit?
How do you know if you are hearing the true voice?
If you have received something difficult from what you thought was the God, the soul or His Spirit and acted on it please relate and tell us if your action was correct.
That would be a good thing for them to cut on my tombstone: Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment. Dorothy Parker (1893 - 1967), 'But the One on the Right,' in New Yorker, 1929
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved