2004-9-9 14:14:00
First let me say a few words in defense of Susan. It has been alleged, "Every time there's a new monster in town (those that teach a different philosophy than JJ), Susan always seems to be at the head of the crowd, inciting them to tar and feather them and ride 'em out of town on a rail." Then she is accused of being hypocritical because of stating she likes a film with Ramtha in it.
From my observation this is an inaccurate statement. The worst she has done is complain about some writers who come here with an agenda and take us far off topic. Usually when she complains about such events about half the list is also complaining and it usually is time to get back on topic. As far as being intolerant of other philosophies I have not seen this in her. If she has a fault in this area I would see it the other way around. I think she is a little overly tolerant of various points of view.
I would not fault anyone for saying they like a movie, even if it was Ishtar (famous bomb).
If a movie was made by the devil himself and a member thinks it was interesting, so what? Maybe the devil can make an interesting movie.
If some wants to quote a controversial teacher or even a dark brother and throw the quote out for discussion, so what? If we have soul contact we will still come to the truth of the matter.
That which members do have a problem with is not so much the presentation of controversial ideas, but of being force fed a teaching agenda of some other guru to the point that the class is interrupted and the free will of the group is infringed upon.
None of those who are actively posting at the present has done this. Those who do such things never stay for long but come and go as they see opportunities to further their agenda.
Let us therefore be kind and tolerant in our judgment of those who are our associates, fellow students and friends.
Never judge a book by its movie. J.W. Eagan
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved