2004-9-2 06:18:00
Aussie Ruth writes:
In my crystal booklet it says the colours of the Chakras.
Crown = Purple
Third Eye = Blue
Throat = Turquoise
Heart = Green
Solar Plexus = Yellow
Navel = Orange
Base = Red
It is assumed by many students that the colors of the centers follow the sequence of colors in the rainbow or a prism, but such is not the case.
Here are the colors of the centers as given by DK - quoting Leadbeater:
Crown = The major petals in the head are gold and blue
Third Eye = This is composed of two large petals of 48 each. Half are rose and yellow and the other half are blue and purple
Throat = Silvery blue with blue dominate
Heart -= Gold
Solar Plexus = Rosy with green
Base of Spine =- Orange fire
He doesn't give the color of the sacral center for some reason, but it is governed by ray seven which is represented by the esoteric color of violet and the exoteric color or white. He tells us that this center corresponds to the Sun within us. Now the sun gives off a basic white light with a twinge of yellow so perhaps this is the dominate color of this center.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the centers will change somewhat in color as they open up as the person evolves.
May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields and, until we meet again may god hold you in the palm of his hand. Unknown
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