2004-8-29 03:58:00
Tom is basically asking us why it seems to appear that those who are selfish and choose the dark path seem to suffer less than those who are struggling to move toward the light. The answer is quite simple. Taken as a whole the Dark Brothers suffer much more. No one escapes the law of cause and effect - not the Dark Brothers, not the average person and not even the Masters.
A misunderstanding may have occurred because I have written that many of those seeking the path of light often suffer because of guilt and such guilt can not only cause great emotional distress, but is also the cause of many illnesses and much physical suffering.
There are two groups who do not suffer the harmful effects of guilt. The first are those who have made significant progress upon the Right Hand Path of light and love. These individuals see that guilt is caused by illusion, and because they understand the illusion, the negative aspects of guilt has no power over them. This is a great aid to them in maintaining reasonable physical health. Even so, there are other factors that must still be mastered for optimum health.
Does this mean that such a seeker who has transcended guilt has no conscience?
Guilt is not the result of a violation of conscience, but the offending of a false ego which seeks to deceive in the darkness of an unilluminated mind.
True conscience from the Holy Spirit does not punish, but seeks to correct through the law of love.
The second group who has no guilt are those workers of darkness who have made considerable progress along the Left Hand Path.
These do not have guilt because of any light received or transcendence, but because they have severed their ties with their own souls. Consequently they have no conscience or guilt.
These are they spoken of by Paul: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; I Tim 4:1-2
Those who have their conscience seared with a hot iron have one advantage over their brothers. They have no guilt. But they have not solved the problem of guilt or transcended it; instead they have suppressed it only to have to deal with it another day.
Consequently, these wayward souls do escape some of the health consequences of guilt, but they have others to deal with.
DK writes that "he stands in danger of obsession, insanity, physical death, or of dire disease in some part of his body."
"If a man persists from life to life in this line of action, if he neglects his spiritual development and concentrates on intellectual effort turned to the manipulation of matter for selfish ends, if he continues this in spite of the promptings of his inner self, and in spite of the warnings that may reach him from Those who watch, and if this is carried on for a long period he may bring upon himself a destruction that is final for this manvantara or cycle. He may, by the uniting of the two fires of matter and the dual expression of mental fire, succeed in the complete destruction of the physical permanent atom, and thereby sever his connection with the higher self for aeons of time." Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 127
You might note that in the book that Philo is not in very good shape for he is in a coma.
The dark brothers ignore great pain sent as a correction before their connection with the soul is severed. After this severing takes place he has tremendous suffering to face as he then heads toward disintegration and death of all that he has worked millions of years to achieve. He thinks this can be avoided and his selfish desires fulfilled, but in this he is deceived.
Then, after his cosmic death he must wait billions of years until the creation of a new solar system before he gets another chance. And here he must again undergo tremendous suffering over a thousand or more lives as he attempts again to work toward liberation.
Overall, there is nothing in the fate of the Dark Brother which is to be desired or envied.
The strictest law often causes the most serious wrong. Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC)
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