2004-8-14 03:08:00
There has been quite a bit of talk about what is right and wrong about charging for spiritual work including the quoting of some of my past teachings. Let me add several comments.
One approach by many is to encourage donations rather than charging a fee.
But when you think of, it is there any difference between making a donation because you like something or making a free will purchase because you also like a thing?
Not much. In both cases you are paying for something of value. And for the Biblical tithe demanded of some churches you could purchase a lot of books and courses for the same amount.
My own philosophy is illustrated by my actions. I have taught here on the web for free for about five years, writing over 2500 articles making them available to all without charge. We have had five gatherings that I have also done free of charge and pay our own transportation and most motel bills. In addition, I have made the audio available on the web without charge.
It wouldn't be against my philosophy to charge for future seminars or teaching, but it wouldn't be done with the motivation of gaining personal benefit, but to free my hands for service, pay essential bills and promote the teachings.
When we produce a hard copy such as a book or CD we have to charge as it is impractical to give large numbers of these out for free. We have given out many thousands of copies of Book One of the Immortal in economical print for free, however, and to sincere seekers who cannot afford the other books we are willing to either discount or give the books out with no charge.
Even though I charge for my books I have lost a lot more money than I have gained by doing this work for it has taken a lot of attention away from my regular business making it impossible to expand it. I do expect this to change in the near future as eventually we will sell more than enough books to pay all the bills.
Overall, the overriding principle I attempt to go by is this. That which I have received from God should be made available to all, both rich and poor. No one should be denied a teaching or principle because they have no money and I will always attempt to make all that can be acquired by the rich available to the poor who have willing hearts.
I expect nothing. I fear no one. I am free. Nikos Kazantzakis
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved