2004-8-3 00:29:00
John C wrote:
This is always on topic, isn't it?
We were watching a show about DNA last night, and I remembered something I read or heard. Maybe I read it here; I can't remember.
Anyway, the thought was that after a cell divides in two, and it's DNA makes a copy of itself in the new cell, after 20 such replications corruptions or distortions creep in, and the copies are no longer perfect replicas of the original DNA. The genes are altered ever so slightly.
Then, I thought about the game of "Chinese Whispers", where you are trying to communicate the original thought from person to person, and how distortions enter in.
If we could somehow stop the distortions in the DNA and make every copy a perfect copy, then it seems to me that people would never age and never grow old. Or, if we could somehow save a copy of the original perfect cell, and then take a cell whose DNA had been corrupted and replace its DNA with the DNA from the original cell, the cell could heal itself and begin to product perfect copies again.
The principle involved here would be the same principle as embodied in the Third Key. I think a lot of us have settled on something like restore, restitution, reveal, refresh.
No new key words, but I wanted to share this thought in the hope that something might spark.
You are headed the right direction John.
By the way, thanks for answering questions for Tom and others as my time is limited.
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved