2004-7-29 05:31:00
Tablarasa, Y and Flower-Sifter all seem to belong to the same camp for all are of similar vibration. They seem to lean heavily (with a few alterations) toward the Temple of Freedom writings by Dava who proclaims himself God of the universe and believes in no afterlife. Perhaps they see themselves as new incarnations to go one better than Dava.
Y started out on this list attempting to portray herself as considerate and helpful, but now it appears it was all a setup to SPAM us with a pre-designed agenda.
Why is it that those who come on this list preaching the Love of God often spew forth the most hateful separative bile and negative judgment with which the true Spirit of God would have nothing to do?
Just read some of their statements below and think on these words of Christ.
"Judge not lest ye be judged as ye have judged."
"out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."
"Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man."
Keeping this in mind perhaps we should read their words to me with compassion for their state of mind and hope they can find the love of Christ that seeks to help and not condemn.
Words of Tablarasa:
You, jj, are not yet prepared to do this (attain Christ consciousness).
You demonstrate a False and Corrupted teaching, and you are leading many astray.
How is it that your conscience can reconcile with this?
How is it that you may claim to be enlightened, when you demonstrate no Holy Light whatsoever?
You would teach JJ, before you have Understood. This is Folly.
You demonstrate no Reverence and would have God as your personal Possession.
You are not Enlightened, and neither are you Illumined.
Let this be Known, that all may See, and Chose accordingly.
You are not Enlightened, and the Holy Spirit has Naught to do with you.
You are an arrogant Fool, claiming to have what can never be yours.
You demonstrate only warped and distorted Knowledge.
You are trapped in your mind, and you egotism prevents your escape.
In the meantime you lead your students and followers away from the very God you would profess to be enlightened by.
You are clearly devoid of anything Holy, and in your lack of repentance you make also clear who it is you Serve.
You know Nothing of Reality.
You! How can you claim to be a Teacher, when your ignorance is so blatant!
Know that you will be subject to the Wrath of God.
Know that until you seek sincerely and Find, you have nothing to offer the World but suffering perpetrated by your ignorance.
You know Nothing of the Higher Law. You know nothing of Redemption, and you seek it not.
Higher beings incarnate here only to assist in the Liberation of those Trapped in darkness.
Rest assured that if you met one of Those you would be Terrified.
Your teaching is opposed to Christ.
You are not Liberated, and you are not Seeking Liberation.
Therefore you are Ignorant, and you teach Ignorance.
You would do well do count the Cost of your ignorance and the spreading of it.
Tablarasa, all that you say is correct and entirely in resonance with the universal Doctrine of Salvation - Christ's Perennial Teaching. It is also in accord with my own experience and remembrance.
Thank you for having the courage to stand up for the Truth here today.
You (JJ) have not overcome your dweller, and as tabla says, you are not enlightened. Your words that I have read in this group forum have some truth in them but are mostly misleading in the extreme, distorted and twisted; they also carry not the energy and light of divine realization.
Then she calls me a false teacher and a Luciferian.
JJ Comment:
This is a sad end indeed for one who seemed to have a spark of kindness in her. My advice is to free yourself from the negative hold Tabla has on you.
It's pretty clear now that what looked like it might have been some kind of counterculture is, in reality, just the plain old chaos of undifferentiated weirdness. Jerry Garcia
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved