2004-7-14 04:56:00
My Friends,
The day of the annual Gathering of Lights is upon us and begins this Friday afternoon in Manti. The last I heard Susan still has a few spaces available so if you wish to come and learn, express yourself as well as interplay with the best and the brightest now is the time to act.
I have several things to teach that have not been revealed before. Come to the gathering and be the first to hear something special.
For the past five years Immortal readers have annually gathered at various places in the United States and have rubbed shoulders, shared ideas and listened to author J J Dewey give new insights in spiritual intelligence.
To register contact Susan Carter: susanpatriotsaints.com
or (435) 835-4835
Where: Manti Utah
Date: July 16, 17 & 18th.
Location: At the Historic Manti House Inn
This year JJ has reserved a new concept that will assist in bringing synthesis for the coming age that will be first revealed at this next Gathering of Lights.
He will also introduce a new healing technique through the use of ceremonial magic.
In addition we will cover:
Soul Mates
What is a soul mate? Is there such a thing as twin souls or twin flames? What do you do if you think your companion is not your soul mate? How to create a soul mate through right human relations if you cannot find one.
Overcoming Death
Why we die. Is death really ever conquered? What are the keys to overcoming death? Do we take our physical bodies with us? The three major obstacles to overcoming death.
The Gathering Principle
What is the Gathering Principle? How it is the Key to both physical and spiritual evolution. What will the next gathering be like and what will be the results?
J.J. Dewey does not charge for his time and all funds collected are to pay for food, meeting rooms, and lodging. Costs for the Seminar and meals from Friday night to Sunday morning are $115. Lodging is extra and varies from $45 - $115 for two nights' accommodations. Costs for the seminar alone without meals are $65.
Again, contact Susan Carter at (435) 835-4835 or email her at susanpatriotsaints.com
See you there!
And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt 24:31
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved