2004-7-13 19:24:00
Consider for a moment how the United States has the most deadly weapons of mass destruction programme in the world and how this country will not allow Iraq to have WMDs. There are over 10,000 nuclear warheads in the possession of the American government and yet, the freedom lovin' US of A denies Iraq the right to have their own weapons - a right that definitely belongs to Iraq.
Now the real question that should be asked is where are the U.N. resolutions that prohibit the American weapons of mass destruction.
You've got to wake up and use some judgment here. There are some nations where the risk of using nuclear weapons unjustly is small - such as the U.S., England, and France. There are others where the risk is higher such as Pakistan, India and China.
Then there are others where the risk unthinkable, such as Iraq under Saddam Hussein and to a lesser extent North Korea and Iran.
It would be the height of insanity for the world to let such a dictator who has already invaded another country with intent to subdue and enslave a people. Probably about five minutes after getting his first bomb he would have lobbed it over to Israel.
Use some discrimination here. There is a big difference between Saddam Hussein getting the bomb and a nation such as Sweden or the Netherlands.
Also in that interview with Dan Rather, Hussein said, "We do not have missiles that go beyond the prescribed ranges, by the U.N. The inspection teams have been here. They have inspected every place." and, "That is why, when you talk about such missiles, these missiles have been destroyed. There are no missiles that are contrary to the prescription of the United Nations in Iraq."
This is one thing we have found is that Saddam Hussein did have such missiles and was lying to Rather and the UN. He also had illegal missiles on order from North Korea.
It sounds like you trust Saddam Hussein over George Bush, or any American President. Sad.
Newsflash: Bush's approval ratings in March 2003 before the attack on Iraq were 57%.
Yes, but the war with Iraq was already a hot item for quite some time. Bush's approval ratings were in the eighties and near ninety until he started talking about invading Iraq some months before.
Like I say, if he fabricated the WMD's then it would have been the height of insanity for Bush, his advisors and his cabinet would have known they would have been exposed and possibly destroyed over the issue.
This is powerful evidence that he did not lie, but was sincerely attempting to do what he thought was right for the country.
Bush's enemies are so blinded by hate that they cannot agree with him even when they agree with what he is saying. Ron Silver - Actor
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