2004-7-11 08:00:00
Maryellen writes:
Well, now that you are questioning it, it make likely stop happening. Actually I've questioned it in my mind for years now and it still happens. Of course I say thank you each time I am given a blessing either small or large, but I was questioning whether there is some principle or force at work here that I'm unaware of. Could it have something to do with vibration? Can people have specific vibrations that create good fortune and protection repeatedly? Is it karma? Or is it the type of vibration the person emits? Good parking spots are not the only things that happen to me. Yes, I have a positive attitude and just naturally expect things to go right, but a lot of people do. However I don't hear others talking about things happening repeatedly like this.
It feels like something is at work here and I am not even aware of it. I was wondering if JJ could shed light on this.
Maybe you just have some good karma coming. Positive and negative thoughts do influence reality. It is also a fact that the positive person takes greater note of positive happenings and the negative one will see the negative even when most things are going well.
Maybe they'll do a study sometime on this as quite a few people claim to manifest parking spaces and green lights. I think I manifest red lights when I am in a mad rush. I compensate by an increase of speed and shortcuts.
John W:
However, there is a vast difference between what they (political parties) say and what they do. I tend to judge by results more than rhetoric.
I don't think anyone will, disagree with you here. But sometimes it may take 50 or 100 years (or more) to see the true results. Many of the great lights were hated for their results while alive but then revered long after their death.
Tom writes:
If I told my Dad how I really felt about him when he was alive and in a nice way...he still call me names and even try to beat me up....so I feared showing my true feelings.
It is always best to communicate grievances with pure intent to resolve the situation with minimal hurt for the other person. Of course, if the person poses a physical danger common sense must be used. In this case the abused wife, child or whatever must remove himself from the situation as soon as possible. This removal will be a means of communicating part of your feelings. After distancing yourself from the person and forgiving them you must check yourself to see if the grievance remains. If it does then wait until an opportune time to communicate your feelings when you will be out of physical danger - maybe even in a letter or on a tape.
If nothing else works go to the person's gravesite on his or her death and express your feelings.
JJ, you said to show your hurt feelings and anger in a harmless way. You wrote" If he does lash out at you, you must not return fire no matter how hurtful the words are. If you do the negative energy will return to you. Instead show only love, compassion and understanding." Why would Jesus whip and hurt the bad guys then? He did not show harmlessness or did he?
There is a time and place for all things. There is a time to go after the bad guys and let them have it, but it must not be done by emotional dictate alone. The time to break the rules is when a communication is made through the soul to do so.
Jesus illustrated on the cross and in other situations that he could be harmless and forgiving in extreme circumstances, but when he saw the desecration of the temple he knew from a higher vision that this was the time to act or no lesson would be communicated.
Andy writes:
(My political post) presents a much more balanced view. In many of your posts you have come across as pro Bush and against the democrats or any one who is not in alignment with the Bush doctrine. This has been done by presenting views and links that tend to promote one political side rather than that of an impartial referee.
The two sides I presented are embraced in varying degrees by both parties. The principle of freedom goes through them in cycles with neither of them ever embracing it in perfection and then other times both parties seem to forsake it.
I support Bush on the war in Iraq. If we can consummate the liberation of 50,000,000 people in Iraq and Afghanistan a foundation for change will occur in the Moslem nations eventually neutralizing the militant attitude of so many and bringing the Middle East into a more democratic situation. This can pave the way for the coming of Christ and his message.
Imagine the effect 20 years from now if we are successful. The people other Moslem nations will become aware of the prosperity and freedom in free Iraq and Afghanistan and will say: "We want to be like them."
The Dark Brotherhood is presently doing everything in their power to prevent this from happening and bring the struggle into complete disrepute. In addition dark forces are working within these two countries among the people and would be leaders.
When you see the whole world combine against an endeavor that will free millions of people the chance is almost certain that the forces of light are behind it.
Bush is currently a very hated president, but not our most hated one. Our most hated president was Abraham Lincoln.
We have lost around a thousand soldiers, but thousands were often lost in one day in that war and as the war dragged on his approval ratings sunk to an extreme low and even many within his own party became his enemies. If the North had not achieved a last minute victory near the 1864 election he would have been defeated by McClellen who wanted to stop the war and make peace with the South and allow them to have their slaves.
England and all of Europe hated him and the conspiracy to kill him was supported by numerous foreign nations. The English and the French particularly hated him because Lincoln would not allow them to buy the products of slave labor from the South.
It wasn't really until Lincoln was shot that the nation seemed to wake up to the fact that maybe, just maybe something great had been accomplished by this man.
Bush is not a Lincoln and I disagree with him on a number of items, but the importance of achieving success in the current struggle far exceeds the importance of any domestic program and if we are successful this can lay the foundation for positive change as powerful as the freeing of the slaves in the Civil War.
Something not acknowledged is that Iraq has become a gathering place for terrorists and there is much truth to the maxim that it is better to fight them there than on our soil. It is much better that the terrorists have their attention on Iraq rather than our back yard.
Even so, there is still danger here and will be for some time. The sad thing about the bad intelligence on WMD's is that many people now laugh when we talk about the danger of a domestic attack. But this is no laughing matter. Unless we eliminate the threat of terrorism it will only be a matter of time before we see some mushroom cloud or some other WMD right here on our own land.
Then, instead of being criticized for doing too much, the President (whoever he is) will be criticized for not doing enough
As far as Michael Moore is concerned I used to think he was clever, somewhat entertaining even though I disagreed with him on most issues. Now I have studied him I have changed my image of him from a cute nuisance to the most deceptive person I have ever come across. He is not inaccurate, but consciously pieces together unrelated information to deceive. The clip for instance of Charlton Heston's NRA meeting in Bowling for Columbine was pieced together from about eight film clips spanning different unrelated places and times to appear that it was one seamless video to present a complete lie.
Moore does not present "the other side," he presents a side that does not exist in reality. If one pieces together a dozen unrelated clips to create the impression that Mother Teresa robbed banks, what other side is there to it? When the view presented is totally fiction there is no other side.
I love a fair fight using facts based in reality but I have no respect for one who will consciously deceive no matter how holy the cause is seen to be.
I have no problem with anyone seeing the movie, but I do have a problem with the deception that is in it. Terrorists organizations are enthused about promoting it and China is making an exception to allowing U.S. made documentaries and will encourage citizens to see it.
Imagine the harm if the delicate balance of peace is s shifted with this movie by our enemies who become more enraged than ever and see us as a an even greater satan than before.
To read more on Moore I again recommend the article by a Nader supporter with no great love for Bush. His article is at: http://www.davekopel.com/Terror/Fiftysix-Deceits-in-Fahrenheit-911.htm
A good web page covering other deceits is at: http://www.bowlingfortruth.com
"I am completely against him (Moore). He screwed me over," said Mark Taylor, who with Richard Castaldo was featured in the Kmart segment that resulted in the removal of bullets from the retailer's shelves nationwide.
Even with bullets still lodged in his body from the April 1999 shooting, Taylor remains supportive of gun ownership. Moore made it appear the opposite, Taylor said.
"I had no idea what Moore's agenda was. And he had an agenda. He had it all planned out, completely," Taylor said. "I believe that every American has the right to have a gun. We should have the right to protect ourselves." From bowlingfortruth.com
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