2004-7-3 03:23:00
I sent this yesterday and it still has not appeared on the Keys. I am therefore sending it again. I apologize if it happens to appear twice.
There were a lot more references concerning the Law of Repulsion than I realized. I have sifted through the rest of them and have included here any that I think sheds additional light. The Law of Repulsion is usually linked with the Law of Attraction and probably should be discussed as a single topic. JJ
Law of Repulsion
Where form exists and the Laws of Repulsion and Attraction are coming into force, making radiation therefore possible, then comes stimulation, emanative effect, and a gradual speeding up which eventually, from within the atom itself, by its own rotary movement produces the next quality. Momentum (an effect of rotary motion), resulting therefore in repulsion, was produced by the rotary movement. We have referred to the Law of Repulsion as one of the subsidiary branches of the great Law of Economy, which governs matter. Repulsion is brought about by rotary action, and is the basis of that separation which prevents the contact of any atom with any other atom, which keeps the planets at fixed points in space and separated stably from each other; which keeps them at a certain distance from their systemic centre, and which likewise keeps the planes and subplanes from losing their material identity. Here we can see the beginning of that age-long duel between Spirit and matter, which is characteristic of manifestation, one aspect working under the Law of Attraction, and the other governed by the Law of Repulsion. From aeon to aeon the conflict goes on, with matter becoming less potent. Gradually (so gradually as to seem negated when viewed from the physical plane) the attractive power of Spirit is weakening the resistance of matter till, at the close of the greater solar cycles, destruction (as it is called) will ensue, and the Law of Repulsion be overcome by the Law of Attraction. It is a destruction of form and not of matter itself, for matter is indestructible. This can be seen even now in the microcosmic life, and is the cause of the disintegration of form, which holds itself as a separated unit by the very method of repulsing all other forms. It can be seen working out gradually and inappreciably in connection with the Moon, which no longer is repulsive to the earth, and is giving of her very substance to this planet. H. P. B. hints at this in The Secret Doctrine, and I have here suggested the law under which this is so.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 157-158
Law of Repulsion
2. The circle with the point in the centre. This signifies the production of heat in the heart of matter; the point of fire, the moment of the first rotary activity, the first straining of the atom, motivated by latent heat, into the sphere of influence of another atom. This produced the first radiation, the first pull of attraction, and the consequent setting up of a repulsion and therefore producing 3. The circle divided into two. This marks the active rotation and the beginning of the mobility of the atom of matter, and produces the subsequent extension of the influence of the positive point within the atom of matter till its sphere of influence extends from the centre to the periphery. At the point where it touches the periphery it contacts the influence of the atoms in its environment; radiation is set up and the point of depression makes its appearance, marking the inflow and outflow of force or heat.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 159-160
Law of Repulsion
We should study likewise in this connection the value of touch as demonstrated by the healers of the race (those on the Bodhisattva line) and the effect of the Law of Attraction and Repulsion as thus manipulated by them.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 197
Law of Repulsion
Under the Law of Economy man hears. Sound permeates matter and is the basis of its subsequent heterogeneity. Under the Law of Attraction, man touches and makes contact with that which is brought to his attention through sound waves of activity. This leads to a condition of mutual repulsion and attraction between the one who apprehends and that which is apprehended. Having apprehended and then contacted his eyes are opened and he recognises his place in the whole order under the Law of Synthesis.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 198-199
Law of Repulsion
When these two (Spirit and matter) are inter-related during manifestation, and after the cessation of the pralayic interval or interlude between two systems, then the terms, life and form, consciousness and its vehicles, are more correct, for during the period of abstraction consciousness is not, form is not, and life, demonstrating as an actual principle, is not. There is Spirit-substance but in a state of quiescence, of utter neutrality, of negativity, and of passivity. In manifestation the two are approximated; they interact upon each other; activity supersedes quiescence; positivity replaces negativity; movement is seen in place of passivity, and the two primordial factors are no longer neutral to each other, but attract and repulse, interact and utilise. Then and only then, can we have form animated by life, and consciousness demonstrated through appropriate vehicles.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 227
Law of Repulsion
Expansion, vibratory stimulation, magnetic interaction, or the law of attraction and repulsion.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 235
Law of Repulsion
The general law, which produces cyclic effect, is the Law of Attraction and Repulsion, of which the subsidiary law is the Law of Periodicity, and of Rebirth. Cyclic evolution is entirely the result of the activity of matter, and of the Will or Spirit. It is produced by the interaction of active matter and moulding Spirit. Every form holds hid a Life. Every life constantly reaches out after the similar life latent in other forms. When Spirit and matter sound the same note evolution will cease. When the note sounded by the form is stronger than that of Spirit, we have attraction between forms. When the note sounded by Spirit is stronger than that of matter and form, we have Spirit repelling form. Here we have the basis for the battlefield of life, and its myriads of intermediate stages, which might be expressed as follows:
a. The period of the domination of the form note is that of involution.
b. The period of the repulsion of form by Spirit is that of the battlefield of the three worlds.
c. The period of the attraction of Spirit and Spirit, and the consequent withdrawal from form is that of the Path.
d. The period of domination of the note of Spirit is that of the higher planes of evolution.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 275
Law of Repulsion
Primarily, nevertheless, it may be posited that the Law of Attraction is the demonstration of the powers of Spirit, whilst the Law of Repulsion governs the form. Spirit attracts Spirit throughout the greater cycle. In lesser cycles, Spirit temporarily attracts matter. The tendency of Spirit is to merge and blend with Spirit. Form repulses form, and thus brings about separation. But - during the great cycle of evolution - when the third factor of Mind comes in, and when the point of balance is the goal, the cyclic display of the interaction between Spirit and form is seen, and the result is the ordered cycles of the planets, of a human being, and of an atom. Thus, through repetition, is consciousness developed, and responsive faculty induced.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 276
Law of Repulsion
f. Atomic consciousness, demonstrating through successive states of repulsion and attraction. In this last definition lies the key to the other states of consciousness. A human being in objective manifestation likewise revolves upon his axis, or around his central point, his mainspring of animation; this brings him within the range of activity of other men, other human atoms. This similarly either tends to co-operation or cohesion, or to separation or repulsion. Again it must be borne in mind that even in cohesion identity is preserved.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 279
Law of Repulsion
The emotion of like or of dislike is nothing else but the realisation by the conscious entity of the swinging into his magnetic radius of an atomic form which he is led, by the very law of his own being, to either attract or repulse. Only when the form is transcended, and Spirit seeks out Spirit, will the phenomena of repulsion cease. This will be the inevitable finale at the cessation of solar evolution, and it will bring about pralaya. The duration of the interplay, the period of the search of Spirit for Spirit, and the vibratory process necessitated by the utilisation of the form, this we call Time, whether in connection with a man, a planetary Logos, or the Deity.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 280-281
Law of Repulsion
Therefore we have (during a period of Attraction and Repulsion, or a life cycle) that which we call Time and Space, and this holds equally true in the life cycle of a Logos or an ant, or a crystal. There are cycles of activity in matter, due to some energising Will, and then Time and Space are known. There are cycles of non-being when Time and Space are not, and the energising Will is withdrawn. But we must not forget that this is purely relative, and only to be considered from the standpoint of the particular life or entity involved, and the special stage of awareness reached. All must be interpreted in terms of consciousness. Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 284
Law of Repulsion
This concept must be meditated upon by all thinkers and its synthesis emphasised. The relation of the cell to the group, of the group to the aggregate of groups, and of them all to the indwelling Entity Who holds them in synthetic correlation by means of the Law of Attraction and Repulsion is of vital moment. Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 294
Law of Repulsion
Differentiation is first seen, not only in the recognised duality of all things, but in differentiation in motion; two vibrations are recognised. Certain vibratory factors begin to work such as attraction, repulsion, discriminative rejection, coherent assimilation, and the allied manifestation of revolving forms, orbital paths and the beginning of that curious downward pull into matter that results in evolution itself.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 312
Law of Repulsion
3. Repulsion to all bodies of similar vibratory rate and polarity. Their attractive quality at the end of evolution will cease owing to the fact that naught remains to be attracted.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 322
Law of Repulsion
Both these divisions will be seen later as existing on every plane in the system and as having their origin in electrical force which shows itself differently on each plane but acts on all under three laws: Attraction or Repulsion, Economy, and Synthesis. The lower three planes or subplanes act under the Law of Economy primarily; the plane of meeting or of union acts under a phase of the Law of Attraction. Paralleling them, of course, during evolution are their opposites, showing as Dispersion, Repulsion, and Differentiation.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 331
Law of Repulsion
We have seen also that manas is that discriminative faculty which animates all substance, and which is also the electrical fire of the system showing forth as attraction and repulsion, with all that is involved in those two words. In the widest sense of the idea the Laws of Economy and of Synthesis are only divisions of that same cosmic law of which Attraction and Repulsion are also manifestations. This cosmic law, demonstrating thus in a threefold manner, might (for lack of a better term) be called the Law of Being, and is of a nature so incomprehensible to the finite mind of man that he can only sense it partially through the aforesaid three branches.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 332
Law of Repulsion
Capacity to cohere. This is the ability of all intelligent, active Lives during evolution to conform to the Law of Attraction and Repulsion, and thus form a conscious, intelligent part of a greater life. It is literally the transmutation of manas into wisdom. Though all that IS exists in form yet little is as yet brought under the intelligent control of the entity within the form.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 409-410
Law of Repulsion
The interrelation of all these factors and their profound interdependence is one of the most important points for us to grasp; though this whole relation is governed by the law of Attraction and Repulsion, and therefore comes more under what we call the second aspect, yet self consciousness itself is the result of the manasic principle, and the close co-operation between these two factors of mind and love-wisdom, or the two laws of Attraction and Synthesis, must ever be carefully remembered.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 410-411
Law of Repulsion
Adaptability. This is, as we know, the prime attribute ascribed to the third Ray, or the Brahma aspect. Therefore, fundamentally it may be considered as the attribute of intelligence which adapts the matter aspect to the Spirit aspect, and is a characteristic inherent in matter itself. It works under the two laws of Economy, and of Attraction and Repulsion;
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 423
Law of Repulsion
This energy, or electrical manifestation... It is magnetism, radiation, attraction and repulsion, life, death, and all things; it is conscious purpose and essential will in objective manifestation, and he who has solved what lies back of electrical phenomena has solved not only the secret of his own Being, but knows his place within his greater sphere, a planetary Logos, is conscious of the Identity of that cosmic Existence we call a solar Logos, and realises somewhat the place of our system and its electrical relationship with the seven constellations.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 436
Law of Repulsion
Basically it is the result of the inner positive nucleus of force or life reaching such a terrific rate of vibration, that it eventually scatters the electrons or negative points which compose its sphere of influence, and scatters them to such a distance that the Law of Repulsion dominates. They are then no more attracted to their original centre but seek another. The atomic sphere, if I might so express it, dissipates, the electrons come under the Law of Repulsion, and the central essence escapes and seeks a new sphere, occultly understood.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 478
Law of Repulsion
The Petal of Knowledge, for the astral plane; unfoldment is brought about by the conscious balancing of the pairs of opposites, and the gradual utilisation of the Law of Attraction and Repulsion. The man passes out of the Hall of Ignorance where, from the egoic point of view, he works blindly and begins to appreciate the effects of his physical plane life; by a realisation of his essential duality he begins to comprehend causes.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 540
Law of Repulsion
The second law is the Law of Attraction and Repulsion. Fundamentally, the law describes the compelling force of attraction that holds our solar system to the Sirian; that holds our planets revolving around our central unit, the sun; that holds the lesser systems of atomic and molecular matter circulating around a centre in the planet; and that holds the matter of all physical plane bodies, and that of the subtle bodies co-ordinated around their microcosmic centre. Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 568
Law of Repulsion
Later, when the Self is beginning to identify Itself with Itself, and to recognise the nature of the Not-Self, the Law of Attraction and Repulsion becomes more active, and conscious will and purpose are displayed. Here it should be remembered that a profound difference in time and space exists between the Logos, or Macrocosm, and Man, the Microcosm.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 766-767
Law of Repulsion
Students should remember that we are dealing with involutionary substance, or atomic matter. This atomic matter is living substance, each atom being a tiny life palpitating with the vitality of the third Logos. These lives, being negative energy, are responsive to their polar opposite, and can (under the Law of Attraction and Repulsion) be built into forms which are the expression of the second aspect. Eventually the forms themselves become in their turn negative, and responsive to still another type of force, becoming recipients of the life of the first Logos when the fourth or human kingdom is reached.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 888
Law of Repulsion
The lives of the next plane (which utilise the second spirilla of the mental unit) are called "The interacting points of cyclic momentum." These points which gather momentum through the process of attraction and repulsion represent, in the mental body, dual force, for it is only through the coming together and the separation of atoms, great and small, macrocosmic and microcosmic, that manifestation of any kind becomes possible.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 1107
Law of Repulsion
Law 4. The Law of Repulsion. This law concerns itself with the ability of an atom to throw off, or refuse to contact, any energy deemed inimical to group activity. It is literally a law of service, but only comes consciously into play when the atom has established certain basic discriminations, and guides its activities through a knowledge of the laws of its own being. This law is not the same as the Law of Repulsion which is used in connection with the Law of Attraction between forms which have relation to the material. The laws we are now considering have relation to the psyche, or to the Vishnu aspect. One group of laws concern energies emanating from the physical sun; the ones we are now considering emanate from the heart of the Sun. The "repulsion" here dealt with has the effect (when consciously applied through the developed heart energy of a human atom, for instance) of furthering the interests of the repulsed unit and of driving this unit closer to its own centre. Perhaps some idea of the great beauty of this law as it works out can be gathered from an occult phrase in a certain old book:
"This repulsive force drives in seven directions, and forces all that it contacts back to the bosom of the seven spiritual fathers."
Through repulsion, the units are driven home and the straying unconscious ones are forced towards their own centre. The Law of Repulsion, or the stream of energy for which it is but a name, can work from any centre, but as dealt with here, it must emanate from the heart if it is to bring about the necessary group work.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 1217
Law of Repulsion
Sacrifice, Service, Magnetism ("I, if I be lifted up, will draw"), Group Progress, Divine Repulsion, these are but the inadequate terms whereby we seek to express the divine truth that the whole life and expression of the solar Logos will only be possible, and His purpose only be revealed, when He has brought each atomic unit to the stage of self-realisation. Then He will lead them on to the point of sacrificing that realised self so that divine purpose and will may be consummated, and the divine life and glory shine forth in perfect radiance.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 1218
Law of Repulsion
From the angle of the initiates of the Ageless Wisdom, the story of man, the aspirant, is the story of his response to, or repulse of, applied energies. The fact that the interplay between different types of energy results in the formation of those aggregations or condensations of force which we call bodies, sheaths or vehicles (material or immaterial) is incidental to the main issue, which is the development of a conscious response to the life of God.
Esoteric Psychology Vol 2 Pg 54
Law of Repulsion
4. The Law of Repulse We have here a most interesting law to consider. It is one of the major divine laws with which the Pilgrim has much to do on his weary, age-long way, back to the centre. It is the fourth law governing or controlling the life of the soul.
Esoteric Psychology Vol 2 Pg 147 (Read next couple pages)
Esoteric Psychology Vol 2 Pg 154 (Read next couple pages)
Law of Repulse
As the work of purification proceeds upon the Path of Purification, this demand for release becomes stronger and clearer, and when the man steps out upon the Path of Discipleship, then the Law of Repulse can, for the first time, begin to control his reactions. Esoteric Psychology Vol 2 Pg 156
Law of Repulse
Two things determine the rapidity with which he can upon the Path of Discipleship bring the Law of Repulse into play. One is the quality of his motive. Only the desire to serve is adequate to bring about the necessary reorientation and subjection to the new technique of living. The other is his willingness, at all costs, to be obedient to the light which is in him and around him. Service and obedience are the great methods of release, and constitute the underlying causes which will bring the Law of Repulse into play, thus aiding the aspirant to attain the longed-for liberation. Service releases him from his own thought life and self-determination. Obedience to his own soul integrates him into the larger whole, wherein his own desires and urges are negated in the interest of the wider life of humanity and of God Himself. God is the Great Server and expresses His divine life through the Love of His heart for humanity.
Esoteric Psychology Vol 2 Pg 157-158
Law of Repulse
Once the aspirant upon the Probationary Path has a vision of this (no matter how slight it may be), then the law of desire which has governed him for ages will slowly and surely give place to the Law of Repulse, which will, in time, free him from the thralldom of not-self. It will lead him to those discriminations and that dispassionate attitude which is the hallmark of the man who is on his way to liberation.Esoteric Psychology Vol 2 Pg 159
Law of Repulse
(Whole Section) Esoteric Psychology Vol 2 Pg 159 (Several pages)
Law of Repulse
It is when the fourth Law of Repulse is beginning to produce its effects that the disciple becomes aware of the Angel with the Flaming Sword, Who stands before the portal of initiation. By this portent, he knows that he can now enter; but, this time, not as a poor blind candidate, but as an initiate in the mysteries of the world. Esoteric Psychology Vol 2 Pg 174
Law of Repulse
4. Repulse The fight Crusades of Love of Discrimination against evil. all kinds Good.
Esoteric Psychology Vol 2 Pg 198
Law of Repulse
Attachment to form or the attraction of form for Spirit is the great involutionary impulse. Repulsion of form and consequent form disintegration is the great evolutionary urge.
Esoteric Healing Pg 452
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