2004-6-30 04:36:00
My Friends,
There are more references to the Law of Repulsion than I realized. I originally did a search for "The Law of Repulsion" but later found there are many references under "The Laws of Attraction and Repulsion."
I've decided to tabulate the references. Here are the first ones I have come up with. There are quite a few more to come.
We might as well look at this thoroughly though as I'm sure even the advanced student will benefit.
Law of Repulsion
In the great body of humanity there are certain areas which vibrate in unison and which attract to themselves souls of a certain quality and keynote; there is a magnetic interplay between countries (territories) and the nations which occupy them. This is not an arbitrary matter but due to magnetic interplay. It is also vibratory interplay, under the great Law of Attraction and Repulsion which has much to do with the intercourse and relationships between nations. Let us now look at a few of them.
The Destiny of the Nations Pg 72
Law of Repulsion
The keynote, governing the development of the sixth ray disciple, was expressed for him in the words of Christ when He said: "I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men." The emphasis of all sixth ray work is Attraction and Repulsion ? hence division and cleavage, producing eventually a realisation of the necessity for a consciously undertaken synthesis and integration, mentally motivated and produced. The history of Christianity (which is the history of Europe) will stand illumined if the Law of Attraction and Repulsion is studied in connection with its eventful past. The use and misuse of this law and its constant interpretations in terms of material desire, personal ambitions, and territorial control produced the many schisms and cleavages and will account for much that happened. Under the seventh ray influence, these cleavages will end and synthesis will eventually take place.
The Destiny of the Nations Pg 133
Law of Repulsion
A simplification of the idea may come to you perhaps in the recognition of sound as the agent of the law of attraction and repulsion. Letters on Occult Meditation Pg 54
Law of Repulsion
Through these Words He assists with the building work, and the cohesive manipulating endeavor of the second Logos, and comprehends the inner working of the law of gravitation for attraction and repulsion) that governs all the functions of the second aspect logoic.
Letters on Occult Meditation Pg 263
Law of Repulsion
It is the working out of the Law of Attraction and Repulsion on all the planes that gathers the life divine out of the mineral kingdom, out of the vegetable and animal kingdoms, that draws the latent Deity from out of the limitations of the human kingdom, and affiliates the man [Page 269] with his divine group. The same law effects his liberation from subtler forms that likewise bind, and blends him back into his animating source, the Lord of the Ray in Whose Body his Monad may be found.
Letters on Occult Meditation Pg 268-9
Law of Repulsion
All that is possible in overcoming attachment, or killing out desire, is to develop the power to balance the pairs of opposites on any particular plane so that one is no longer held by the forms of that plane and withdrawal becomes possible. Very secondary meanings are given by the ordinary student to the words attachment, desire, and their killing out. They are interpreted in terms of the student's [Page 138] small advancement. They are but English words which most inadequately and only symbolically seek to express an occult work. They can only be truly understood in terms of the law of Attraction and Repulsion and through an understanding of the system of occult vibrations.
The Light of the Soul Pg 137-8
Law of Repulsion
Attachment to form or the attraction of form for Spirit is the great involutionary impulse. Repulsion of form and consequent form disintegration is the great evolutionary urge.
The Light of the Soul Pg 139
Law of Repulsion
The Ray of intelligent love. This is the ray which embodies the highest vibration of which our solar Logos or Deity is capable in this present solar system. It is not yet vibrating adequately nor has it yet attained the peak of its activity. It is the basis of the cyclic spiral movement of the body logoic, and just as the Law of Economy is the law governing the internal fires of the system so the cosmic Law of Attraction and Repulsion is the basic law of this divine Ray.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 40
Law of Repulsion
Other rays of the sun act differently, upon the forms and upon their substance. Some perform the work of the Destroyer of forms, and others carry on the work of cohering and of attracting; the work of the Destroyer and of the Preserver is carried on under the Law of Attraction and Repulsion.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 79
Law of Repulsion
These devas are of a very powerful order, and, along their own line, are further evolved than man himself. Unprotected man lies at their mercy, and in this lack of protection, and man's failure to understand the laws of magnetic resistance, or of solar repulsion comes, for instance, the menace of sunstroke. When the etheric body and its assimilative processes are comprehended scientifically, man will then be immune from dangers due to solar radiation. He will protect himself by the application of the laws governing [Page 91] magnetic repulsion and attraction, and not so much by clothing and shelter. It is largely a question of polarisation. One hint might here be given: When men understand the deva evolution somewhat more correctly and recognise their work along certain lines in connection with the Sun and realise that they represent the feminine pole as they themselves represent the masculine (the fourth Creative Hierarchy being male)39 they will comprehend the mutual relationship, and govern that relationship by law.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 90-91
Law of Repulsion
The activity of the second Logos is carried on under the cosmic Law of Attraction. The Law of Economy has for one of its branches a subsidiary Law of marked development called the Law of Repulsion. The cosmic Laws of Attraction and Economy are therefore the raison d'?tre (viewed from one angle) of the eternal repulsion that goes on as Spirit seeks ever to liberate itself from form. The matter aspect always follows the line of least resistance, and repulses all tendency to group formation, while Spirit, governed by the Law of Attraction, seeks ever to separate itself from matter by the method of attracting an ever more adequate type of matter in the process of distinguishing the real from the unreal, and passing from one illusion to another until the resources of matter are fully utilised.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 144
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved