2004-6-26 20:15:00
John C writes:
But I have heard others on the Keys use the term "earned authority" to mean that after they have had enough soul confirmation, then they will automatically believe the teacher no matter what he says, and feel that it is no longer necessary to verify it.
In the five years I have been teaching here I do not recall anyone saying this. I would be interested in seeing the reference if you have one. For one thing, if someone did say such a thing I would immediately correct them.
It seems to me, and I think this is what you are saying, is that one should ALWAYS seek verification, and that by an "earned authority", you just mean someone whom you trust more and give "greater weight" to his words, and, therefore, you are more likely to take his teachings seriously and seek confirmation, than you would with a new teacher or one who had proven himself to be less than trustworthy?
I know it's not this black and write, but am I starting to get it?
Is it?
(A) trust and verify up to a point where you are satisfied, then just trust, but not verify? (This would be like saving "authority credits" in the bank.)
(B) Always trust, and always verify, (This would be like getting fresh manna (verification) from heaven every time.)
Or, can we simply say that different Keysters have different views on this subject? B is preferable, but A is OK as a starting point?
The answer is (C). Test (numerous times) the prospective authority with the soul. If the teacher consistently measures up then you do not have to painstakingly examine every word he or she says, but you can begin to learn on automatic pilot as long as you feel at peace with your soul. No matter how strong the earned authority you always have the soul at work in the background and when the red flag goes off you then closely examine the words of the teacher on the matter with the same detachment as you would anyone else.
You might note that DK is an earned authority with me and I have my mind on automatic pilot as I learn from him. Once in a while a red flag goes up such as in his statement concerning the sharing of resources which I believe to be literally incorrect. Because he is an earned authority I give him the benefit of the doubt and believe that if I could talk to him and have him bring clarification in light of current evolution that his words would harmonize with my soul.
Let me reiterate the quotes of my writings provided by Susan to further clarify:
I have verified enough of the writings of Djwahl Khul to myself that he has become an earned authority with me. I will therefore give his words reasonable weight even if there is a possible flaw in them - just as I would an Algebra teacher who knows more of the subject than I do. Universe-Authority-Seed Thoughts (1693) Wed, 1 May 2002 23:22:53 - 0600
However, once an authority is proven, if for instance, you learn Spanish from a teacher and you know that he knows Spanish and you ask him the Spanish word for "rock" or something, and he tells you, you can have quite a bit of faith that he's come up with an accurate word because you've tested him. So relying somewhat intelligently upon an earned authority is not relying on beastly authority. However even if we have a true teacher and we rely on him with blindness without checking him out and giving him enough tests to assure us that he guides us in the direction of soul contact, then a true teacher, whether he be a Jesus or a Buddha, can become a beastly authority to us.
When a thing ceases to be a subject of controversy, it ceases to be a subject of interest. William Hazlitt (1778 - 1830)
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