Body Of Causes

2004-6-4 16:59:00

Quoting JJ, JohnC first wrote:

"'We evolve by using that key word 'attention.' We make a decision and place attention on that decision. Once we've learned instinct and everything about it we want to move past it and develop our emotional body.'"

JohnC then responded with:

"So, why can't we just place our attention on the mental or the causal body? That's all it is, isn't it? Gaining the ability to place our attention where we decide, and being able to hold steady at that level of consciousness? Easier said that done, but isn't this all that it boils down to?"


First, it might be advantageous to define the causal body. This is sometimes called the soul body because it is the vehicle used by the Solar Angel in linking the lower and higher selves.

The causal body and the mental body are two different things. The causal encompasses all three bodies of manifestation (mental, astral, etheric) even though its form is built using the third subplane of mental matter. It's form is sometimes called the "Temple of Solomon," and continues to exist until the temple is perfected. After its perfection, the temple is shattered at the Fourth Initiation and the Solar Angel withdraws and the Initiate becomes soul infused himself as well as a Master of Wisdom and has no need for the tutelage of the Solar Angel for the Initiate now has the same access as the angel itself.

The causal body is that body through which cause and karma work until the entity becomes his own cause through the power of initiation. This body uses the permanent atoms of the mental, the astral and the physical to bring the entity back into incarnation again and again (whether he wants to come or not) until the pilgrim masters cause and learns to create his own bodies and determine his own course of incarnations or manifestation. When his own ability to manifest cause is perfected the causal body is shattered and his attention shifts to the higher causal body of the Monad (the Father in Heaven). His new body of cause is the Spiritual Triad.

Groups and nations also have causal bodies. Each of us belongs to a group and the causal body of this group is composed of mental energy which links its various members and pulls them into incarnation together. The same causal energy causes even nations to reincarnate. For instance, the United States is the reincarnation of ancient Atlantis, which thing has taken place because of a great causal body holding the life of the greater body together.

Now let us get back to John's question:

"So, why can't we just place our attention on the mental or the causal body? That's all it is, isn't it?"

When we make decisions as to our next step in becoming or manifesting on higher levels we must do three things. Keep in mind there are always three things to do and "new agers" and "born-againers" always want there to be only one thing.

The one thing for "born-againers" is to accept Jesus into the heart and the one thing for "new agers" is to just accept the Christ consciousness (or place attention on the causal (Christed body) as John puts it.

This placing the attention on a higher consciousness is only one of the steps of bringing a higher decision into manifestation. This alone is like one hand clapping and brings no creation.

The idea that is permeating the current new age society that the moving of consciousness to a higher level will bring the manifestation of all we desire and need is deceptive and simplistic. To verify this you will find that most of those espousing this doctrine manifest very few of their desires or any higher purpose.

To manifest, the three steps are:

  1. Make a definite decision as to an objective and focus attention on it.
  2. Shift your consciousness to the plane necessary to manifest the decision. (Note that if the decision is of a spiritual nature you may have to go higher, but if you are seeking physical results your attention to temporarily go lower.)
  3. Actively work toward the consummation of the objective. (Note that even God had to work as taught in Genesis.)

John C:

"An interesting thing about the Kirk-Spock-Bones [Star Trek] team. They might have each been polarized on different levels, yet they were able to function together as a team, and they had a certain chemistry between them.

"I thought they might each have different personality rays. Perhaps this is also a clue to their effectiveness. Do you agree?

"Kirk - Ray 1
"Bones - Ray 2
"Spock - Ray 3"


I would say that Kirk had a Second Ray personality. Bones a Sixth Ray and Spock a Fifth Ray. Kirk did however, demonstrate a First Ray energy coming down from higher levels; Bones a Fifth Ray from higher levels, and Spock the Second Ray from higher levels.

These three are great examples of three different states of consciousness.


"Predicting rain doesn't count; building arks does."
  -- Warren Buffett (1930 - )