2004-6-1 00:00:00
John quotes JJ:
1. How physically attractive are you? (Perhaps you should get a second opinion here.) (a) Fair (b) Average (c) Good (d) Great!
SCORING: Question One: a 0, b 1, c 2, d 3;
Then John asks:
Why does having a good opinion of your looks equate to a higher score (less likely to be faithful)? What difference does somebody else thinking you are attractive make?
Because more attractive people are hit upon sexually much more than the plain ones. Surely you wouldn't disagree with this?
If the person is not tempted then he can't even give into the temptation.
Of course there are anecdotal examples of the plain ones being tempted, but overall the number of their temptations are much less.
In fact many realize this and have their affairs with the beautiful people and marry the plain one so they don't have to worry about the person being unfaithful.
I know people whom I consider to be quite plain, but in their own minds they think they are beautiful, so they act beautiful, and other people treat them as if they are beautiful. People are always hitting on good looking people, thus increasing the temptation to cheat. People with a good self-image are always more attractive no matter what they look like.
Some born without great looks are able to compensate, but this does not negate the fact that the more physically pleasing people on the average have many more temptations - and the more temptations the greater the chance of being unfaithful.
For instance, a twenty-five year old female will not find me nearly as attractive now at age 59 as she would if I were in a 30 year old body - and this despite my effervescent personality (LOL).
2. Do you drink more alcohol or take more drugs than your loved ones feel you should?
SCORING: Question Two: Yes 1, No 2;
What if somebody doesn't drink at all? They would get a higher number and thus lower their overall faithfulness rating.
Thanks for bringing this one to my attention for the scoring was incorrect. Yes should be 2 and No should be 0. Those who do not drink or use drugs would score 0 here increasing their faithfulness rating.
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved