2004-5-30 01:32:00
My Friends,
This is a fairly lengthy test with a fairly extensive explanation. Because no test is perfect and all takers thereof have their particular bias only a trend can be indicated. This test was written for not only for seekers but also to be taken by the curious who are reluctant to take an investigative leap.
There are a lot of tests permeating society today. Every tabloid one opens has a new test which will reveal new aspects of personality, where one stands in the marriage situation, or some other revealing insight. Here is a test never before presented to the public. The results will reveal how synthetic the subject is and also give an indication as to the degree of spiritual progression.
An accurate test of Synthesis and spiritual progression is difficult to create, for it cannot use normal questions dealing with the subject's self esteem. About 90 percent of the human race has an inaccurate idea of their correct position upon the path. If the questions demand a value judgment toward self, the answer will be erroneous in most cases.
It is an important step when an aspirant realizes his correct location on the ladder of spiritual progression, for only then can forward movement be greatly accelerated. If an emotionally polarized person, for instance, thinks he's about ready to walk through walls, and concentrates on achieving great power, he may greatly frustrate his true soul goal, which may be the development of unselfish love. Trying to walk through walls in a situation like this is like trying to fly with tennis shoes. Progression can only be correctly maintained when a person efficiently uses his present equipment. Each of us is possessed with our own physical, emotional, and mental equipment and we must each learn how to use it step by step, line by line, precept upon precept, "Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, Unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." (Eph 4:13)
This scripture is fulfilled in each individual as he approaches synthesis. Those who become synthetic "come in the unity of the faith." In other words, they are able to see eye to eye in their discussions. They come to the "knowledge of the Son of God". Not only do they understand the Christ from Galilee, but they know the Christ within each person, particularly themselves and they realize the truth of the scripture: "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be made equal with God," (Phil 2:5-6). The mind which was in Christ must be recognized in each of us.
When they recognize the Christ within, they advance "Unto the perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." The fullness of Christ is the goal of us all, as Jesus was quoted in the Aquarian Gospel: "What I have done all men can do, and all men shall do." Christ is the destiny of all men. Some just take more winding roads to get there than others.
The following test should be fairly accurate, but not strictly so. The results should be used as indications. The student should use them for self evaluation with the goal of furthering his progression. You may choose one or more appropriate answer.
1. Do you believe in God?
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
(c) Not sure.
2. How do you look upon God?
(a) He is a mystery I can never understand.
(b) He is my Father/Mother whom I should strictly obey.
(c) He is a being that permeates all there is, and my true self within is a part of him.
3. How do you look upon Jesus Christ?
(a) He is the savior of the whole universe.
(b) He is the only begotten Son of God in a unique way that no other man will ever duplicate.
(c) He was a great teacher only.
(d) He was a man who demonstrated what we should become.
4. What do you think of the Bible?
(a) It is literally the word of God all the way through.
(b) It is literally the word of God as far as it is translated correctly.
(c) It is a highly inspired book, but even the original authors could have made some mistakes, and not all of it may have been intended to be taken literally.
(d) It is mostly myth. There is not much truth for me to learn out of it.
5. What do you think concerning religion?
(a) There is one true church and I am a member of it; therefore none of the other churches has much to offer me.
(b) One church is as good as another.
(c) The churches seem to fill the needs of some people, but I find I am better off staying home and reading a book or serving my fellow men.
(d) Church going people are mostly hypocrites.
6. What do you think of religions other than your own?
(a) Some of them may have been inspired by God.
(b) They are either the creations of men's minds or from the devil.
(c) Some may contain some sound doctrine, but God recognizes only my religion.
7. What do you think of scriptures other than the Bible, such as the Koran or the Buddhist scriptures?
(a) Inspired by the Devil.
(b) All could have some inspiration from God in them. I'd have to read them and see.
(c) I do not even have to read them to know they are not true.
8. What do you think of the Devil?
(a) No semblance of any such being exists.
(b) He is a being totally evil that puts all my evil thoughts in my mind.
(c) There is a devil, but most of my evil thoughts are my own.
(d) The Devil is a symbol of the evil that confronts us, no such being exists.
(e) The Devil is indeed a symbol, but there is a reality behind all symbols and beings of great evil do exist, but they are not responsible for all the evil we do.
9. How do your religious beliefs compare with the way you were taught as a child?
(a) I am still a member of the same religion.
(b) I have changed religious beliefs. My philosophy is much different now than I was taught as a child.
(c) I have changed religions, but my basic philosophy of life is about the same.
10. What do you think of evolution?
(a) It is a doctrine inspired by the devil.
(b) There is no truth to it at all,
(c) It could be basically true and still not conflict with the Bible.
(d) The Bible and evolution cannot both be true.
11. Which would you rather win?
(a) A free ticket on the first passenger rocket to the moon.
(b) An all expense trip around the world.
12. If you were in the mountains and met a harmless looking old man, who told you that he was a keeper to a passageway to the center of the earth and you had been selected to meet some wise master awaiting your visit; but first you must follow the old man through an unknown passageway, what would be your attitude?
(a) Assume immediately the old man was crazy and ignore him.
(b) Be curious and ask some questions, but not go to the passageway.
(c) Ask questions and follow the old man just to see if such a passage exists, but not enter it.
(d) Probably be curious enough to follow the old man into the passageway.
13. If an old friend, whom you knew was a bit eccentric, approached you with a sure fire get-rich-quick business venture concerning a revolutionary computer product, requiring a $l,000.00 investment (which you just happen to have at the time), and he tells you that you should be able to get that back tenfold in a month, plus, with a little work, obtain financial security for the rest of your life -- you would:
(a) Be polite, but express no interest in the venture. After all, the man has a reputation of being involved in useless schemes.
(b) Be polite, listen to what the man has to say, then ignore him.
(c) Listen to what the man has to say, on the off chance that he may have come across a venture of real value. If the idea sounds good, and further investigation warrants it, I may invest in it.
(d) If the man presents me an attractive enough picture, I would take a chance and definitely invest in it.
14. If you had a six year old daughter who, as far as you knew, was completely normal, and she came up to you out of the blue and explained that some space people were in contact with her by mental telepathy and that they had a very important message for your family and also for the people of the earth, how would you react?
(a) I would feel that my daughter is possessed and take her to my religious authorities.
(b) I would feel that she has a problem and take her for professional help.
(c) I would ignore the problem and hope it goes away.
(d) I would question her with the attitude that her communication may be valid.
(e) If the communications seemed logical and intuitionally sound, I would take them seriously.
15. How do you feel about exceeding the speed limits?
(a) One should never exceed the speed limit except in an emergency.
(b) One should be able to go as fast as he wants without harassment.
(c) I look upon the speed limit as a guide and try to make safety the main principle in my driving. I do not feel bad about exceeding the speed limit a few miles if there is no additional hazard.
16. If your mother was cheating on her income tax and the authority (religious, political or otherwise) whom you admired most told you to report her -- would you?
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
17. If your child broke a fairly harmless archaic school rule, which if discovered would lead to expulsion, would you report him if the authority you admired most counseled you to?
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
18. If your children were starving and you had a rich neighbor who refused to give you any food and you had an opportunity to steal some bread from him which may save the lives of your children, how do you think God would feel if you stole the loaf?
(a) I have committed a sin because I have broken a commandment. I must be punished. Even though I was in an awkward situation, I shouldn't have done the deed, nor should I have allowed myself to be put in that circumstance.
(b) God would overlook it, as I took the loaf as an act of love.
19. Do you favor laws that would make harmful cults illegal?
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
20. Which is the worst sin?
(a) Doubting the word of God.
(b) Robbing a bank.
21. If Jesus had returned to the earth and all the nations laid down their arms and peace was established with the kingdom of God a physical reality, and a man rebelled and shouted: "Jesus is crazy, do not follow him. The old ways are better." If the man then went about teaching a philosophy completely contrary to the Kingdom of God, what would happen?
(a) The man could not abide here on the earth. He would be killed or removed in some way.
(b) Jesus would be upset and punish the man.
(c) Jesus' feelings would be hurt, but he would not punish the man.
(e) If the man proposed a threat, Jesus may challenge him to a public debate.
22. Which is the worst sin?
(a) Looking at a pornographic magazine.
(b) Deliberately hurting your spouse's feelings.
23. Which is the most important?
(a) Reverencing God.
(b) Living in peace with your neighbor.
24. None of Hitler's ideas had any merit.
(a) This statement is absolutely true.
(b) Some of his ideas could have benefited mankind.
25. When we sin:
(a) We make God, as well as ourselves, unhappy.
(b) We only make ourselves unhappy. There is no unhappiness with God.
26. Which statement is true?
(a) God knows everything there is to know, even the exact second I will awake in the morning.
(b) It is possible that God doesn't know everything.
27. Let us suppose that the draft was reinstalled and our government intervened in a civil war in a foreign country and took the side of a tyrant who was fighting against real freedom fighters seeking democracy. On the other hand, the media was reporting the situation in reverse as if the tyrant was a good guy and the freedom fighters were terrible rebels. You notice that the mass of people believe the media. Not all do though and quite a few avoid the draft. How would you look upon draft dodgers?
(a) They are all dishonorable, for they are breaking the law.
(b) They are doing the honorable thing, for the war is immoral.
(c) Some are honorable, some are dishonorable.
28. What is your attitude toward free agency?
(a) It is never necessary to give it up.
(b) It is often necessary to subject our will to an authority over us. (c) Our will should be subject only to the God within.
29. If your daughter came to you and announced that she was in love with a man who was a member of a cult who looked upon their leader as God, and that she planned to marry this man with or without your approval, what would be your reaction?
(a) It's her life. Let her do what she wants.
(b) I would use every means at my disposal to stop her, even force if necessary. (c) I would reserve my judgment until I got to know him a little better.
(c) If I disapproved, I would try to persuade her to not marry him, but leave the final decision up to her.
30. If your daughter actually married the above man, what would be your reaction?
(a) I would no longer accept her. The two together would not be welcome in my house.
(b) I would still accept my daughter, but he would not be welcome.
(c) They would both be treated with the same hospitality I show anyone else.
31. Suppose a man kidnapped your daughter and raped and killed her, but was later repentant. If he called you into his cell and, kneeling at your feet in tears, begged your forgiveness, what would you tell him?
(a) I could not forgive him.
(b) I would think about it.
(c) I would try to forgive him.
(d) I would forgive him.
32. If you had just gone through a bitter divorce, wherein your spouse had tried to legally prevent you from ever seeing the children again, how would you handle future confrontations with this person?
(a) I would be friendly, as though my spouse had done me no wrong.
(b) I would not want to see this person again.
(c) I would try to hurt him or her back. (for question 32, select only one answer)
33. Which would you choose?
(a) A happy marriage.
(b) To see my children become the type of persons I hoped they would become.
(c) To become a success in life.
(d) An opportunity to bring happiness to millions of people.
34. Do you pick up hitchhikers?
(a) Never.
(b) Sometimes.
35. What is your reaction toward beggars?
(a) Ignore them. They should get a job.
(b) Give to them when possible.
36. What is your reaction toward religious people (of a religion different from yours) who knock on your door wanting to give you a message?
(a) Slam the door in their face.
(b) Politely tell them I am not interested.
(c) Give them a few minutes of my time and then tell them I am not interested.
(d) Listen to them and also share my philosophy with them.
37. When Jesus comes again:
(a) People will have to obey him and recognize his authority or be destroyed.
(b) People will be free to reject his rule and still remain on the earth.
38. Mohammed claimed he received visitations from the angel Gabriel. How do you look upon this claim?
(a) It could not be the same Gabriel who appeared to Mary the mother of Jesus.
(b) It is possible it could be the same angel.
(c) I do not believe in angels.
39. If you knew you had only $10.03 in the bank and you received a statement showing that you had a balance of $1003.00, you would:
(a) Tell the bank about the error.
(b) Keep the money. The bank wouldn't miss it.
(c) Not sure I could resist the temptation.
40. What is your attitude toward painful emotional hurts and experiences of the past?
(a) I do not like to be reminded of them, as I seem to relive the pain.
(b) It does not bother me to think back on them, or to talk about them.
41. What is your attitude toward future emotional pain?
(a) I am very hesitant to give or commit myself completely in my present romance or a new one, for I do not want to make myself vulnerable to emotional hurt.
(b) The emotional hurt doesn't worry me. I will open up whatever amount is beneficial.
42. How much time do you average a day in self educational activities? (College and school related activities not counted)
(a) Almost none.
(b) 15-30 minutes a day
(c) 30-60 minutes a day
(d) One to two hours a day
(e) Over two hours a day.
43. What category have you spent the most time in mastering during your life?
(a) How to win friends and influence people.
(b) A new language.
(c) History.
(d) Healing techniques.
(e) Gaining knowledge that increases my income.
(f) I have not tried to master any field of knowledge to any degree.
44. What is your employment situation?
(a) I work for someone else and am happy with my job.
(b) I work for someone else and am not happy.
(c) I am not self employed, but would like to be.
(d) I am a salesman.
(e) I own my own business.
(f) I am not employed.
45. Do you pray or meditate regularly?
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
46. What is the highest goal you presently have in life? Choose one:
(a) To have a successful marriage and a happy family.
(b) To find my true purpose in life.
(c) To be successful financially.
(d) To be successful in my chosen career.
(e) To do the greatest good for the largest number of people.
47. If you could be anyone you wanted to be, which would you choose?
(a) The President of the United States.
(b) The most knowledgeable person in the world.
(c) The most famous movie star in the world.
(d) The richest person in the world.
(e) The wisest person in the world.
(f) One with the ability to perform miracles like Jesus did.
48. What do you think of the phrase "All men are created equal"?
(a) People of all races and beliefs are equal in every way.
(b) All people have equal opportunity to achieve.
(c) Some applications of this statement are not correct.
49. What is your view concerning revelations from God?
(a) God no longer speaks to man. His whole revelation is in the scriptures.
(b) God speaks to man through His authorized church representatives only.
(c) God can and will reveal whatever He wants through whomever He wants, whenever He wants, and it may be to those who do not belong to any church.
50. Have you read three or more Health Food related books in your life?
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
51. Do you purchase from a Health Food store periodically?
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
52. If your next door neighbor angrily accused your boy of stealing $5.00 from inside the neighbor's house and your boy's feelings were hurt to the extent that he shed tears; and you knew the accusation was false, because he had been helping you in your house at the time of the purported stealing, how would you react?
(a) I would be visibly upset and tell the neighbor off.
(b) I would remain calm and tell the neighbor off.
(c) I would refrain from telling the neighbor off, but would explain that my boy was with me and did not go into the neighbor's house.
53. Whatever your response, the neighbor becomes angrier and demands you give her the $5.00 that your son has stolen. What is your reaction?
(a) I would hit the neighbor (for this answer, assume that you are of the same sex).
(b) I would take my son and walk away and make sure neither I nor my son darken the neighbor's door again.
(c) I would tell the neighbor off some more.
(d) I would remain calm and explain that I know my son is innocent. If the neighbor calms down later I would react as though the incident had never occurred.
(e) I would give the neighbor the $5.00.
54. If you discover that your neighbor's boy stole $5.00 from your house what do you do?
(a) Angrily confront the neighbor and demand punishment of the boy and return of the $5,00.
(b) Same as (a) but without anger.
(c) Calmly explain the boy's behavior to his parents, but not demand the $5.00. Wait and see if they return it.
(d) Catch the boy and punish him myself.
(e) Do nothing.
55. What percentage of your free time each day is spent in constructive activity?
(a) Almost none.
(b) 5-10%
(c) 10-20%
(d) 20-40%
(e) 40-60%
(f) Over 60%
Each answer receives positive or negative points. Add up all your positives and negatives and subtract the higher from the lower. If, for instance, you had 200 positive points and 100 negative then you subtract 100 from 200 making your net score +100. If you had 200 negative and 100 positive then the reverse is true. You subtract the plus 100 from the negative 200 which equals negative.
1. (a) +7 (b) -5 (c) 0
2. (a) -8 (b) -2 (c) +8
3. (a) -10 (b) -5 (c) 0 (d) +6
4. (a) -10 (b) -5 (c) +8 (d) -5
5. (a) -15 (b) 0 (c) +5 (d) -5
6. (a) +7 (b) -10 (c) -5
7. (a) -10 (b) +5 (c) -10
(Note for #7: If both (a) and (c) are circled, score -15 instead of -20.)
8. (a) -10 (b) -10 (c) +2 (d) -5 (e) +5
9. (a) -4 (b) +9 (c) 0
10. (a) -10 (b) -10 (c) +5 (d) -5
(Do not score more than 15 negative points on this one.)
11. (a) +5 (b) -5
12. (a) -8 (b) -2 (c) +2 (d) +8
13. (a) -8 (b) -8 (c) +5 (d) -5
14. (a) -5 (b) -5 (c) 0 (d) +5 (e) +5
(Note for #14: You may score a maximum of 10 points on this one.)
15. (a) -5 (b) -5 (c) +5
16. (a) -10 (b) +2
17. (a) -10 (b) 0
18. (a) -10 (b) +5
19. (a) -10 (b) +5
20. (a) -5 (b) +5
21. (a) -10 (b) -8 (c) 0 (d) +8
22. (a) -7 (b) +4
23. (a) -4 (b) +4
24. (a) -5 (b) +5
25. (a) -5 (b) +5
26. (a) -5 (b) +5
27. (a) -8 (b) -2 (c) +4
28. (a) -5 (b) -5 (c) +5
29. (a) 0 (b) -10 (c) +5 (d) +5
30. (a) -10 (b) -8 (c) +5
31. (a) -10 (b) 0 (c) +10 (d) +15
(Note for #31: No answer is -5.)
32. (a) +5 (b) 0 (c) -8
33. (a) 0 (b) 0 (c) -4 (d) +5
34. (a) -5 (b) +5
35. (a) -5 (b) +5
36. (a) -15 (b) -10 (c) 0 (d) +10
37. (a) -10 (b) +10
38. (a) -10 (b) +10 (c) 0
39. (a) +5 (b) -10 (c) +2
40. (a) -8 (b) +8
41. (a) -5 (b) +8
42. (a) -10 (b) 0 (c) +5 (d) +8 (e) +10
43. (a) 0 (b) 0 (c) 0 (d) +5 (e) 0 (f) -10
44. (a) -5 (b) -5 (c) 0 (d) +5 (e) +10 (f) 0
45. (a) +10 (b) -10
46. (a) 0 (b) 0 (c) 0 (d) 0 (e) +8
47. (a) 0 (b) +2 (c) 0 (d) 0 (e) +6 (f) 0
48. (a) -5 (b) 0 (c) +5
49. (a) -15 (b) -10 (c) +5
50. (a) +4 (b) -5
51. (a) +5 (b) -5
52. (a) -10 (b) -8 (c) +5
53. (a) -10 (b) -10 (c) -10 (d) +5 (e) -5
54. (a) -10 (b) -8 (c) +5 (d) -10 (e) 0
(Note: Give yourself no greater than -15 for either #53 or #54.)
55. (a) -10 (b) -8 (c) 0 (d) +4 (e) +8 (f) +12
This is an indication that you are a Synthetic person of the highest type. The test is not, however, infallible, so do not think there is no room for improvement. The margin of error here should not be more that 10 percent, with an average of around 5 percent. Whatever the case, you are definitely an open minded person with broad cosmopolitan views and a great love for humanity and truth. You have a spirit of adventure such as characterized the great explorers of the past from Columbus to Galileo to Newton. Your views are not confined. You are able to read between all lines and catch subtle truths wherever they may be presented. If Christ were to come to your door in the guise of a beggar, chances are that you would recognize him. You are a seeker after wisdom and do not need a teacher, but can learn through your own initiative. You are slow to anger and are very tolerant of the idiosyncrasies of others. You are one of the few who could "turn the other cheek," "resist not evil," "from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away," "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you," "Forgive seventy times seven."
You will not shirk from a mental challenge of any kind. You would be willing to meet a foe anywhere, anytime, and on any grounds. Even if he possesses twice the knowledge on a subject that you do, you could match him in an argument by wisdom and common sense alone.
Your friends look upon you as quite unorthodox and perhaps a bit strange and outspoken. They may even think you are somewhat argumentative, but the truth is that you always stand up for common sense. Actually, you are quite a mellow person and relatively easy to get along with. Your biggest challenge is to effectively merge with a group, especially if the group ideal may be below your own. This is often necessary, however, as the group thought can rarely be brought up to the elevation of your own. On the other hand, effective group unity can enhance your own opportunity for creative expansion and intuitive contact.
You have great inner self assurance and poise, which is not always obvious to those around you. You rarely become bored, for you can always find numerous useful things to do with your time. You should have reached a point where you are overcoming the typical disciple's loneliness syndrome and will always be in intuitive contact with other minds such as yours.
Things that are new and experimental appeal to you. You find delight in doing things that have never been done before. You have a lot of true courage and are willing to go against public opinion and lose friends, if necessary, for the cause of truth.
Purpose, or at least a good objective, is essential to your happiness. Retirement and sitting on a front porch all day would be your idea of hell.
The scares of hellfire, damnation and brimstone have no effect on you. You fear the wrath of God no more than you would that of any loving Father who allows you freedom of choice. Your good friends are few, but you know their strengths and weaknesses and accept them as they are. Your friends have one thing in common--they are individuals of considerable strength and high potential.
You are a thinker, a fact recognized even by your enemies. Some of those who appear to despise you the most also have a twinge of secret envy. You have great love for your fellow men, but not of a sentimental, emotional nature. Your love demonstrates in action and in a time of crisis you will not panic, but remain in control.
You are able to obey the injunction of Christ "take no thought of tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself." You are willing to risk security and let tomorrow take care of itself in order to achieve your purpose. Old age benefits and retirement mean little to you, as you are fully confident that you will be able to take care of yourself. As a whole, your health is very good.
Much of the description that applies to the highest score applies to this individual. He is also fairly open-minded and always at least willing to listen to new ideas, though he is not as fluent at originating them.
His views are not as universal in scope, but much more so than the average man. If Christ were to come to his door there is a fifty-fifty chance that he would recognize him. The main thing this individual has to contend with is selfishness. He is attempting to throw off its holds, but the enemy is always there desperately struggling for survival. This person still feels a need to get back in proportion to what he has given. By natural law this will automatically happen, but he is impatient for fulfillment.
He may accept most confronting challenges, but extreme embarrassment and adverse public opinion may slow him down. He often feels a driving loneliness compelling him toward eventual Synthesis. His love is not sentimental, but it does have some reservations. He still has some hidden fears that he must hurdle in the near future.
Effective merging with a group is very difficult for this person because of his great individualism, but he will be a great force if he is willing to make the sacrifice.
He usually has a powerful personality which is admired by many for its strength. He has more need for security and may strive for it somewhat, but it is not a necessity with him as with the average man.
His method of expressing love is between sentimental love and intuitive love, and he is often judged as not being a loving person, whereas he is going through a transition phase.
As a whole, this is a very enlightened person who has good common sense and ability to perceive reality.
This individual may also be somewhat innovative and unorthodox in his thinking and more open minded than most, but his big hurdle to overcome is fear. He admires others who carry forward goals he merely dreams about. Something always seems to hold him back from the true adventure he yearns for. He is often able to merge with a group with more ease than those in the second category, but if the group is avant-garde in thinking and public opinion is against it, his fear will again betray him. His most important step is to recognize his fears for what they are and not try to pretend they do not exist. His fears also produce a need for security.
This person is full of good intentions, but his actions are often paralyzed by fear of failure. Still, his personal accomplishments are often admirable in the normal sense.
This is the person who is on the verge of entering the "straight and narrow path." He is beginning to sense higher spiritual realities and experiment with them, but is on unsure ground and blends quite unobtrusively with the mass of humanity. He may be beginning to discover the value of various self improvement books. He is excited over what are to him great personal discoveries.
He may believe in action, but it is often ineffective and may be hampered by some fears and ignorance. He is often a fence sitter on anything controversial, but not always. He is trying to master his emotions and temper and should be making progress in this area. His health will often not be the best, as his emotions are often unsettled.
The mass of people are in this category. The clearest trademark of this person is spiritual ineffectiveness in the absence of good leadership. The scriptures would call these people sheep, for they cast their eyes upon their shepherd, or authority, and without him they are lost and would wander aimlessly. They must have an authority figure in order to achieve stabilization.
There are a wide variety of individuals in this group, but they are as a whole spiritually ineffective, even though many are zealous for a cause. They probably have greater fear over minor things than any other category.
Often they claim to subscribe to a certain philosophy although their actions are completely contrary to it, generally more because of apathy than hypocrisy.
These people have a great admiration for material success and put it above spiritual goals, even though many claim that they want to be like Jesus. This is the typical person next door. Those on the lower side of the score could be on the side of a religious extremist.
This individual has as much or more obvious enthusiasm for ideologies that do not make sense as one in the highest category has for those that are logically sound. This person and those he influences fulfill the scripture: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine [...] For they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." (2 Tim 4:3-4). This person does not rely on logic and reasoning (Sound Doctrine) and he believes many fables as the scripture says. Unfortunately, he influences many others in the category just above him to accept these fables also.
Here are a few of these "fables" that are completely unsubstantiated by logic, reason or the Bible:
This person will claim to believe in love, yet would not help a beggar. He will claim to have mercy, yet would not pardon the thief who took the loaf of bread to save his family. He claims to believe in justice, but condemns many people better than himself to Eternal Hell because they do not believe as he does.
He is very conservative and resists change with great force. He would rather give his life than admit that he was wrong. His obstacles to overcome are pride and ignorance. These keep this person from the truth. In the evolution of souls, this person is often much more advanced than some who scored higher, but he is at a point in the path where his personal Babylon must be shown to be wrong "and Babylon the Great must fall." He will explore the heights and depths of ignorance until he can go no deeper without realizing his error and then the light will shine in the darkness and enlighten unto the perfect day.
This person will go around blaming something other than himself (often the Devil) for everything that goes wrong in his life. He seems to take very little real responsibility upon himself for error, but often makes great progress in converting others to his beliefs, which are always founded on fear. He tries to avoid evil, rather than trying to do good; he tries not to hate his neighbor rather than trying to love him; he tries to avoid the wrath of God rather than attempting to please God. All of his concentration is on the negative side, just as his points were.
Copyright © 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved