2004-5-28 05:39:00
Those who are not married are often unaware (or forget if previously married) as to how many adjustments must be made to have a successful relationship. A certain willingness to compromise must exist in each person if the marriage is to be successful. Score one point for each of the adjustments you would be willing to make with a marriage partner.
1. Could you accept your mate's children as if they were your own?
2. Could you live with a mate who wants either more or fewer children than you? 3. Could you accept a mate who has different ideas on birth control?
4. Could you live with a mate who wants more or less sex than you?
5. Would you be willing to eat your meat cooked either more or less than you are used to?
6. Are you willing to eat some foods and preparations you presently would not eat?
7. Could you live with a mate that snores?
8. Could you live with a mate who wants you to go to bed with him or her at a different hour each night than you are used to?
9. Can you handle a mother or father-in-law giving you advice that you do not want to hear?
10. If your mate gains weight and loses some attractiveness, can you still give him or her all of your love?
11. If you have an attractive mate can you handle him or her being attractive to the opposite sex and possibly having to work with them?
12. Could you handle having your mate not showing a lot of interest in your work or goals?
13. Are you willing to be more punctual than you presently are to keep your mate happy?
14. Are you willing to vacation at your tenth choice rather than your first? 15. If your mate is cleaner than you, are you willing to help make your home cleaner than you are used to; or if your mate is messier than you, are you willing to tolerate more mess than normal? (Counts as one answer)
16. Could you handle having your mate talk about experiences with past lovers? 17. Could you let your mate spend most of the extra money on his or her desires?
18. Could you handle having a mate of a different religion?
19. Would you allow your children to be raised in your mate's religion?
20. Would you be willing to miss some of your favorite TV shows and movies to watch those that your mate likes?
0-5 Points: You are set in your ways and need to find that imaginary "perfect person" to have a happy marriage.
6-10 Points: You have the possibility of a happy marriage if you find a person who thinks like you do.
11-15 Points: You have excellent potential to have a happy marriage. You are willing to give and take.
16-20 Points: You are willing to make your mate happy but you may find yourself being walked over by your mate so much that you are miserable in a relationship. Remember that you are entitled to have some things go your way.
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved