2004-5-27 05:10:00
My Friends,
I thought you may enjoy taking this test I wrote for an advertising publication years ago.
Be honest.
Everyone thinks he has an open mind, but in reality we all have acquaintances who immediately shut down their minds to ideas that do not conform to their pre-conceived notions. Take this test for an indication of how open-minded you are:
1. The politician who you least like comes up with a plan for world peace. How would you react?
(a) I would assume that the plan was as bad as the rest of his ideas.
(b) I would listen to the proposal, but I know I wouldn't like it.
(c) I would listen to the proposal with the idea that it may contain something of value.
2. An acquaintance wants you to listen to what you consider to be the worst music in existence so he can explain to you why it has value.
(a) You would not consider such a thing
(b) You would listen but are sure it has no redeeming value
(c) You would listen with the idea that this person may perceive something of value that you do not.
3. You are at a party and meet a person who says he is a member of The Flat Earth Society. He tells you that the stars above are an illusion, the earth is really flat and we only appear to be circling around the sun. He seriously tells you that he can logically prove all of this if you will listen to him a few moments.
(a) The man is obviously a crackpot and you excuse yourself.
(b) You listen for entertainment value only
(c) You listen at least partly because you want to see if his thought has any logical foundation.
4. You have a six year old daughter who, as far as you know, is completely normal. One day she comes to you out of the blue and says that some space people are in contact with her by mental telepathy and that they have an important message for the people of the earth. How would you react?
(a) I would feel that she has a problem and take her for professional help (a minister or psychologist).
(b) Ignore the problem and hope it goes away.
(c) I would question her with a mind open to the possibility that the communication may be valid.
5. A representative of a religious cult knocks on your door and wants you to read a pamphlet proving that their leader is God incarnate. What do you do?
(a) Slam the door on him before he can explain why he is there.
(b) Politely listen to him but refuse the pamphlet.
(c) Take the pamphlet but not read it.
(d) Take the pamphlet and read it.
6. An old friend who has a reputation of being eccentric and whose advice caused you to lose money in the past approaches you with a sure-fire-get- rich-quick business venture. It requires $1000 investment which you happen to have at the time and he tells you that you should be able to get that back ten-fold in a month and possibly have financial security for the rest of your life. You would:
(a) Be polite, but refuse to listen to his new scheme.
(b) Listen to what the man has to say, then ignore him without trying to consider his ideas.
(c) Listen to his idea with the possibility (however slim) of acting on it.
7. Which of the following have you changed your opinion or belief on after the age of 18?
(a) Your religion
(b) Your political party
(c) Birth control
(d) Abortion
(e) Capitalism or communism
(f) The environment
(g) Nuclear arms or world peace
(h) Legalization of drugs
(i) The foods you like
(j) The type of person you want for a mate
1a 0, 1b 0, 1c
2a 0, 2b 1, 2c 2
3a 0, 3b 1, 3c 3
4a 0, 4b 1, 4c 2
5a 0, 5b 1, 5c 1, 5d 3
6a 0, 6b 0, 6c 2
On question 7 score two points for each category in which change occurred.
0-12 Points: You may think you are open-minded, as all people do, but in reality you instinctively resist any idea that is not commonly accepted within your group or belief system. You tend to fear others who are different than yourself. Lighten up and be more flexible.
13-17 Points: You may change when you have to, and some may see you as open-minded, but you tend to listen to an opposing point of view out of courtesy rather than having any consideration for it. 18-24 Points: You have a good live and let live philosophy. You have a high tolerance for other points of view. You are open-minded on a subject you feel is important or credible but will not sustain enough interest to keep your mind open if the subject is not on your interest list.
25-34 Points: You are truly an open-minded person. You will always be open to all possibilities. This will lead you into many interesting experiences. To use this open-mindedness effectively, however, make sure you maintain a stable mind or others may think you are fickle-minded.
People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs. Unknown
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved