2004-5-6 06:09:00
Thanks for your comments on capitalism and socialism.
It is indeed true that they both have their advantages and disadvantages. If I had to pick one at present I would pick capitalism because it works in a society, as a whole, where the individual good is valued over the group good and works in an atmosphere of freedom. Where the consciousness of the society has not evolved to the group good social programs and especially communism, need to be administered by force and are breeding grounds for tyranny.
Keep in mind that evil is often a misplaced good. The principle of sharing is, of course good, but when undue force is used in making people do the right thing a greater evil is created than that administered by the crime lords of the world.
On the other hand, the principle of sharing, including socialism could rise above the present evils associated with them if the following occurred.
(1) The consciousness of society rises to group consciousness where the majority of the individuals therein seek the good of the group above the individual.
(2) The freedom of the group and individual are given maximum possible latitude.
(3) Individual initiative is honored, encouraged and rewarded. This will be essential for a long time to come as civilization is a long way away from service without a sign of individual reward.
(4) Waste and inefficiency must be reduced to match those found in capitalism and free enterprise.
Inefficiency is indeed a major problem in social programs. It often costs two, three or even four dollars in administration for every dollar that is given away.
This is completely unacceptable and is a major reason why socialism has always failed to improve the economy of the nations. This is one of the Reasons the Soviet Union collapsed.
(5) The majority of the population should approve of the programs and be satisfied that their monetary contribution is well spent with fairness.
This is a big gripe I have with current social programs. I don't like my taxes being wasted, neither do I like them going to people who take advantage of the system and will not help themselves. I especially do not like making a contribution when I get little or nothing in return.
To solve these problems I wrote the Treatise entitled The Molecular Business. It works through each of these problems as follows:
(1) It works with the consciousness of people as they are today and is not dependent on an ideal consciousness to succeed. (2) It works with the freedom of the individual. If you are not happy you can withdraw. (3) Even though all are paid the same wage other monetary and management incentives are offered. (4) There would be greater efficiency than found in capitalistic businesses today. (5) The will of the majority is honored.
If you have not read this treatise yet you can find it by going to the archives at:
Then start at Post 187 and read through 197.
Calamities are of two kinds: misfortunes to ourselves, and good fortune to others. Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914)
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved