2004-4-26 15:08:00
Today, Creme does not speak of a date or a time-frame, although the words, "very soon" are to be attributed to his Master and Maitreya. In 1977 Maitreya said the whole world would know the fact of His existence and presence "very soon".
You can save Creme some embarrassment by relating to him and his strange hierarchy that he is wrong again. The coming will not be "very soon." There are at least 20 years of preparation before he can "appear" in the physical. Much more needs to be done than declaring that he is secretly running around the earth incognito.
Creme's followers will not like his teachings any more than they like mine.
Now, it is possible that Creme could be under the influence of some glamour or illusion - but if he were and it were interfering with the Master's work, with the group good and with the Plan - do you not think that his Master would bring the needed eradication to Creme's attention? Or even the Master withdrawing His contact with Creme until he tackles those glamours and illusions?
You are assuming that he is in contact with a Master of Wisdom and not some other entity or thoughtform. I make no such assumption.
What if the interviewer who believes that the moon is made of green cheese is interviewing someone who believes that the moon is not made of green cheese, that the moon is made of basalt (feldspar, pyroxene, apatite, magnetite)? Are you telling me that the interviewer is not prone to be bias, not prone to fabrication, not prone to dishonesty when writing an article about the interview?
Again I say this: A person can be full of illusions but if he is honest and gives actual quotes then the illusions have nothing to do with whether or not the quotes are accurate. For instance, most of the New York Times staff hates George Bush and distort his views in many of their stories. But when they give an actual quote it is almost without exception accurate. Bias or illusion does not alter a quote. Only an outright act of dishonesty can.
Show me examples of actual lying by Morton and I'll start doubting the quotes. Better yet write Creme and ask him if the quotes are accurate and/or reflect his views. I keep asking Creme followers to do this and no one seems to have the guts to do it.
In Creme's work, we both see the consistency in relation to the work of Blavatsky and Bailey - there are differences, but we do not loss sight of the common ground.
To Creme's credit he is an astute student of Bailey and uses much of her material. He does teach contrary to the teachings on several core issues such as the use of nuclear energy. Creme is to Bailey as Charles T. Russell (Jehovah's Witness founder) is to the Bible.
I have read and heard people speak about Benjamin Creme being cold, about his lectures being boring or lifeless or both. There are people, and I think you are one of them, who speak about Creme lacking a spiritual vibration and such. Could it be that Creme's ray structure is not compatible with your own?
I thought he was a decent lecturer and did not come across as cold. There's nothing wrong with his rays. What is wrong is that he has been dead wrong yet not admitting it. "To thine own self be true."
Yet, JJ, you think that Creme is glamoured and under heavy illusion. Could it not be your own glamour and illusion?
This is always possible and all the more reason to use plain old common sense and the power of discernment and the second Key of judgment. To do this examine Creme's writings and ask: How many have been proven to be incorrect?
Answer: Dozens.
Examine my writings and ask the same question:
Answer: Zero
The message from Maitreya is seemingly mundane; which is precisely why I chose it. Let me elaborate: most people would comment on the normalcy of the message, how it appears blas?, ... The Christ energy in the message is known to some, but it's not to be expected that all of the average masses can consciously detect it. Furthermore, the average thinking person sees the words, but does not experience the revelation of their meaning.
You remind me a lot of the Mormon faithful here. Twice a year they attend or watch the general conferences of the church and listen to the general authorities. To the casual observer (and most members) the speeches are extremely boring, repetitive and reiterate what has been said many times before. But if you take a very astute Mormon and mention this to him he will say something like this:
"Your problem is that you did not listen closely enough. These authorities have profound wisdom and there is hidden depth in their words that reveal revelation after revelation. Their words may sound simple but they are really very deep and profound."
But then if you ask them to reveal to you this profound truth or revelation he received from the speeches he will give you a blank stare.
The last question that I leave you with, JJ, and whoever on the list would like to answer, is the following:
Who on earth (and in the public arena) do you think are some of the most evolved (from the point of evolution) people living today? In other words, who do you think is a soul-infused personality - individuals who are not just in contact with their soul - but know themselves to be the soul? Also, people nearing this degree of consciousness can also be mentioned.
First let me state that many who are fairly high initiates are not versed in the ancient wisdom and would not know what is meant by a "soul-infused personality." Initiates are often focused along their lines of service and are not considered particularly spiritual.
You will notice that Creme seems to think that only those on the left in today's world are advanced enough to be initiates. The truth is they are on both sides. Those on the right are more likely to be initiates along the lines of 1-3-5-7 or politics, science, business, philosophy-logic-reasoning and those on the left are more likely to be found in 2-4-6 or social movements, creative arts, education etc. This is not a hard and fast rule, but a general one.
Living initiates on the right are:
Ann Coulter
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Condoleezza Rice
George W Bush
Ronald Reagan
Newt Gingrich
David Horowitz
Ward Connerly
Roger Ailes
Ted Nugent
Steve Forbes
Oliver North
Benjamin Netanyahu
Mel Gibson
Near the Middle we have:
Bill O'Reilly
John Stossel
Dennis Miller
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Colin Powell
Rudy Giuliani
Lech Walesa
Harry Wu (Civil Rights Activist)
On the Left we have:
Patrick Moore (founder of Greenpeace)
Steve Jobs
Bill Gates
Nelson Mandela
Steven Spielberg
George Lucas
Jane Fonda
Ted Turner
Dr. Jack Kevorkian
Dan Brown - Author of the DaVinci Code
These are not all 100 percent soul-infused by any means but are initiates of some degree.
Some of the most soul-infused have been side-tracked and are having difficulty in finding their true calling during this period of transition. That is one of my purposes - to find them and redirect them to the Aquarian energies rather than the Piscean.
Many there are who believe themselves to be on the path of enlightenment when in reality they are stuck in the energies and thoughtforms of the past. This needs to be corrected to some degree before Christ can manifest.
Always tell the truth, not only because it is the decent thing to do, but because it gives you such an advantage over the man who is trying to remember his lies! Sam Brookes
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved