2004-4-9 06:20:00
Arit from Nigeria writes:
I read J J Dewey's THE IMMORTAL last November but have not been able to get my hands on books two and three. I am in Nigeria but have a bank account in London; is it possible for me to send a check in pounds sterling for the books? I've tried various ways to send money for the books from Nigeria but have not succeeded so far. Any suggestions?
Sorry I didn't answer this earlier.
People in foreign countries pay us in two different ways. Some send us an international money order in U.S. dollars. I'm not sure if you can get one in Nigeria or not.
The most common way to pay is by using a charge card. This is very simple because the card company automatically charges the correct amount in both U.S. and foreign money.
If you do not have a charge card you can find a friend with one and pay him and then you can use his number to pay us.
You can place a secure order by going to:
Scroll down and click on the ordering link.
Most foreign postage for the book is at least $9.00 but we only charge $5 to make it easier for our far away friends.
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