2004-4-7 13:51:00
Did Bush lie or has his enemies created an illusionary definition of a lie so they can accuse?
No, Bush didn't lie. (Is a lie a half-truth?) Was not Saddam and his army "Weapons of Mass Destruction", who wielded his power across the nation and killed thousands of innocent people.
Good answer, but you are answering the wrong question. The question you are answering is: "Did Bush make a mistake?"
All people make mistakes, but a mistake is not a lie.
Are critics jumping on every mistake Bush makes and calling it a lie? Has he really told any lies? If so please quote his exact words (or as close as you can from memory) and tell us why it is a lie?
On the Weapons of Mass Destruction, everyone is overlooking the fact that many have been uncovered because of the war in Iraq. Because Lybia thought they may be next on the list they are turning over vast quantities of nuclear materials and poison gas. When they did this it was discovered that their nuclear program was much further along than we thought.
These are WMD's that would still be a threat to the world if not for the war.
Spain has just illustrated the folly of trying to appease terrorists. The new Spanish leadership stated they would get out of Iraq in the hope of pacifying the terrorists and being left alone after the train bombings.
This was not enough for them. Now they are demanding Spain withdraw from Afghanistan as well or the terror will continue.
Then if Spain agrees to this there will be another demand and then another still until Spain either stands up for itself or is controlled by the forces of darkness.
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved