R-Rated Madness

2004-3-18 06:06:00

I found this post on Susan and Sterling's list. I felt motivated to respond to it. I realize that the letter I am commenting on is about a 1000 miles from the thinking of most people on this list but it should be entertaining and enlightening to see how some people think about things.

Terra Howard writes:

"Personally, I thought the 'Passion of Christ' was inspired and important for everyone to see. The following is from a stake president. Just curious as to what others think about his point of view.

This is an e-mail that my mission president Stephen M. Studdert sent to all of us returned missionaries from the California Carlsbad mission."



Thanks for posting this letter.

First let me agree with you that I think Gibson was inspired in making this film. Granted it is not perfect and does not present any new enlightenment, but it does take the watcher into the experience so he can identify with some of the sacrifice that the Christ endured.

In addition the money it is making is attracting the interest of Hollywood. Now Hollywood producers are saying that they will look at any spiritual script with a good story. This movie could lead to a dozen future positive movies that could change many lives for the better.

In addition to this it is causing many to focus on the mission of Christ and talk about him. This has to be a good thing.

That said, I was amused, saddened and happy all at the same time after reading the letter below that you quoted.

I was amused at reading the words of a person who is truly so divorced from reality that he is oblivious to how disconnected he must sound to anyone living in the real world.

I have found it a stretch that some call the movie evil because it puts some Jews in a bad light but to insinuate this movie is from Satan because it is "R-rated" is a view from the farthest reaches of the outer darkness of illusion. I can just see this guy with his 12 bored kids sitting around the TV watching Snow White for the fiftieth time. There he is booing the wicked witch, feeling a little guilty watching her naughtiness while his kids are dreaming of seeing the R-Rated Matrix.

If the poor kids are lucky they will have a neighbor friend with the DVD so they can watch some stimulating movies and have some real mental stimulation. Maybe then they'll see that their dad is living in a matrix controlled by a computer program called the "Mormon Thoughtform."

I was saddened. It's been a while since I have rubbed shoulders with the Mormon faithful and I had almost forgot about how mesmerized they are with piousness. After reading this I am jolted back to the reality of how zealous Mormons are locked into a mindset of focus on extremely minor evils that diverts their attention of the real evils that face the world. To them an R-rated movie or a bare breast is more evil than Saddam Hussein or the use of mind control to take away the agency of humanity.

I was happy after reading the letter. Why?

When I was active in the church many years ago it was because of my attraction to the intelligence in the scriptures and in the foundation teachings of the church. I always did find the piousness of some of the stalwarts to be very superficial and something I wanted to distance myself from.

Now I am free from the attempted mind control of the church it is so nice and pleasant to not have to deal with or explain to others why the church makes great evils out of such small things while ignoring the major evils of the world.

It is great to now go to an R-rated movie, drink a cup of coffee or a healthful glass of wine with no concern at all of some authority probing me of my worthiness.

Many members when they get kicked out of the church pine away in hope of getting back in. I was happy to get kicked out and have absolutely no desire to return to a life of spiritual slavery that the current church has to offer.

Below is the letter in question with my response noted:


Stephen M. Studdert writes:

"My dear former missionary friends: I recently wrote a letter to our sons and daughters about the new motion picture 'The Passion of the Christ.' Because so many of you have asked me about this film, and because we have such love for you, who in a special way are like unto our sons and daughters, I feel to share with you what I wrote to them. Many have asked me, 'Would I go see this film?' I have asked myself, 'would I go see this film?' And the answer is 'no' for at least five reasons. Here's my quick off-the-top response."


I'm glad you gave us the quick rather than the long response. Thank you.



"I know that my Redeemer lives. What comfort this sweet sentence gives. Why then would I wish to see a film which focuses on our Redeemer's death and on the horrible pain he suffered? My love of and for Christ does not center in His tortuous final hours, but rather in what followed. His resurrection, that 'He Lives!,' is what is central to me and 'all that really matters.' That there was indescribable pain in those final hours is true, that he bled 'from every pore is true,' that he bore the weight of the world is true, that he suffered and bled and died - for me - is true. But I don't need to see it to be grateful. My gratitude and my understanding center in His resurrected life and what in His selfless Atonement, and not in His death, He did and does for me."


Using this logic we would not make a movie of Pearl Harbor (nasty things happened) but only of the later celebrations of victory. We would make no movies of the Civil War but only focus on the reconstruction.

To live like an ostrich and hide your head in the sand in the hope of only seeing the positive will open the door to being consumed by that negative which you are trying so hard to avoid.

Do you want to learn about the whole of Christ or just a part?



"As I understand, the film focuses on His final twelve hours of mortality and His crucifixion, and is filled with graphic, brutal violence. When I think of the peace, the beauty, the joy, the wonder of the temple and ponder that it draws me close to Christ without one element of gore, then I know where I wish to be. And it's not in a theater watching two hours of bloody gore, no matter how seemingly instructive."


Maybe if you are ignoring half of the Christ experience that which you are drawing to yourself is not a fullness, but a diluted, milk toast shadow of the real Christ experience. If you have never felt the fullness how would you know? Maybe you ought to experiment a little -- expand your mind.



"As to the R-rating issue, how can there be a question about a Latter-day Saint seeing this film?"


Because you have your free will, that's why.

Perhaps you should check with the scriptures which advise "that man should NOT counsel his fellow man, neither trust in the arm of flesh. (D&C 1:19) "O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm. (2 Nephi 4:34)

Quit putting your faith in counseling with the arm of flesh and use your God-given agency and think for yourself. Wake up out of your fog which is perversely illustrated by your next explanation.



"There are those who suggest we relinquish our agency to the MPAA when one chooses not to view an 'R-rated' film. Rather, the exact opposite is the case, for one exercises his agency in following the Prophet. President Benson said, 'We counsel you ... don't see R-rated movies or vulgar videos or participate in any entertainment that is immoral, suggestive or pornographic.' And every prophet since has reiterated that inspired advice. The 2001 Strength of Youth Pamphlet states "...choose only entertainment and media that uplift you. Good entertainment will help you to have good thoughts and make righteous choices. It will allow you to enjoy yourself without losing the Spirit of the Lord. Do not attend, view, or participate in entertainment that is vulgar, immoral, violent, or pornographic in any way. Do not participate in entertainment that in any way presents immorality or violent behavior as acceptable.' This document issued by Prophets does not include any reference to R-rated movies or the MPAA rating code. The responsibility is no longer carried on the shoulders of those who rate movies. It is squarely upon us. We can no longer say, ''R' is bad,' PG-13 is OK.' We must apply the Lord's standard."


The Lord's standard? You stay away from an inspiring movie because of the Lord's standard? Where did God say anything that tells you that you can't think for yourself and watch a movie about the Christ? And a movie that follows the scriptures very closely at that.



"There is NO declaration that R-rated, in any form, is now acceptable as some rationalize. The principle regarding R-rated expanded in the new Strength of Youth Pamphlet. Prophets and Apostles are clearly saying no longer may we be find certainty with (and limited to) R-ratings, for in today's vulgar, base, crude, demeaning world even PG-13 may be and often is unworthy of viewing by one in the covenant. As those in the covenant, we must apply a different standard than the rest of the world. That standard has become more than limited to R-rated as the MPAA has allowed a continually worsening content and vulgarity and crudeness into PG-13 films. Too many seek for and thus find a convenient interpretation which misses the mark. The standard is defined by the Lord, and His immovable standard of safety now generally stops far short of the worsening R- and often even PG-13 and P- ratings."


Again, I've never seen any such standard defined by the Lord -- regular men who are the arm of flesh maybe, but not the Lord.



"With respect to R-ratings, there is for me one more element. The Prophet said 'don't see R.' What more do I need to know? Absolutely nothing."


You sound like a "Stepford wife" to the Prophet, man -- wake up! Do things of your "own free will to bring to pass righteousness." Do you have to be commanded in all things?



"The scriptures are replete with declarations by the Lord that to receive blessings one must follow the Prophet."


Do you realize that this phrase you just quoted ("follow the prophet") is not found even one time in all the scriptures? The scriptures place emphasis on thinking for yourself -- using your true agency.



"When one rationalizes, which many are doing regarding this R-rated film, such as to say 'this R film is importantly historically,' that rationalization just takes the individual further away from the Prophet and hence further away from the supernal blessings of joy."


If the prophet is controlling the members this much these days then it would be a blessing indeed to distance oneself from him.



"The scriptures teach of 'honor and exactness,' and rationalizing, and that is what it always is. To see any R-film is Satan's subtle destructive way to lead away, every single time, from 'honor and exactness in keeping the commandments.'"


Some R rated movies may be over the top, but most of them are pretty harmless to one who is grounded in true principles. Some of them, like "The Matrix," are quite inspiring. To lump them all together as a device of Satan makes you look like one who would be spooked by the boogie man.



"Show me a person who sees R-rated films, and you will see a person who does not radiate the light of Christ in full measure."


I find the truth to be the other way around. Those who are spooked by R rated movies are usually afraid of their own shadow and are not likely to have the guts to stand by Christ or one of his representatives who is taking heat.



"That may sound judgmental to you, and it is not intended to, but the facts speak for themselves."


It sounds judgmental and it is.



"When we fill our minds, and thus our heart, with the debasing content of R-films, with certainty it dulls our senses and leads away from the beauties of the gospel, not toward them. I see that difference glaring in our friends, comparing those who view R-rated and those who avoid R-rated films. I also know that in my stake president experience, and I am far from being a perfect person, but there was an interesting corollary between those who frequently watched R-films and tithing faithfulness and temple worthiness."


To a Stepford wife the other Stepford wives seem peaceful and pleasant. There is more to virtue than being a sickly sweet mindless follower.



"The content of such films deadens the spiritual yearnings of individuals. Do your own survey and you'll see it verified. The scriptures speak of Satan's 'subtle craftiness' to 'lead men down to destruction,' that they may 'be miserable like unto himself.' Oh so very true, and R-films (and today many PG-13 films) are just one of Satan's very subtle ways to destroy!"


If you are so easily led that watching a film, no matter how bad, could deaden your spiritual feelings, then you have a serious problem indeed. Pick any film made and I could watch it and my spiritual aspirations would remain intact. Most people are this way. A handful of fear based Mormons are the exception.



"'If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.'"


This movie is getting a lot of "good report" so maybe you ought to go see it.



"From what I've read of this film, though fully about the Christ it is neither virtuous nor lovely. From a cinematic perspective it may (or may not) be praiseworthy, but from the perspective of filling my life, my heart, my sole, with goodness and light, a film filled with violence and brutality cannot do that. Blood and gore, no matter how depicted, are for me inconsistent with 'the light of Christ.'"


How sad that you think that this depiction of great courage from Christ is not worthy of being seen as a virtue in your book.



"Christ said, 'Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you.' I believe viewing this film is not where the Prophet will be found 'drawing near unto' Christ. If we wish to know more about Christ or about the final hours of His mortal journey, and we all surely should, then read the scriptures, study 'Jesus the Christ', ponder the words of the Prophets, and go to the temple where all the doctrines of Christ are revealed in perfect, beautiful, peaceful fullness. It really seems to me that anyone in the covenant must rationalize, and in so doing must set aside doctrine about the sources of light, to view this film filled with graphic torture. Hence, I have no intention and more importantly no desire to see this film. My time will be far better spent proclaiming that He died for my sins and that He lives, that He was resurrected and in the process willingly took upon Himself my sins and the sins of the entire world, and in so doing offered me eternal life. But that is just my personal opinion."


Why is it not sinful to read the book, but sinful to see the film? Using your logic you should just tear out the distasteful parts of the Bible to shield your fragile soul from negativity.



"As to the second question many of you have posed to me, 'How can this film help us more fully teach the gospel of Jesus Christ?,' here lies a wonderful opportunity for each former missionary. This film has caused many people to have Christ and His crucifixion on their minds and in their conversation. Because they are searching, you will have people ask you questions about Christ and our beliefs. What an opportunity for us to stand as witnesses, to open our mouths, and to testify in love and kindness that Jesus is the Christ, that God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ appeared to the boy Joseph Smith in answer to a young boy's prayer, that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored in all its fullness, that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, and that God has raised up a prophet to speak for Him on the earth today just as He has done in all dispensations of time. A motion picture is turning minds and maybe hearts, at least momentarily to Christ. How grateful I am that He has you and me here to testify of Him and that He does indeed live. You and I know that our Redeemer lives. What comfort that sweet sentence gives! President Studdert."


How can you testify of the true Christ when you fear taking in the experience of the most difficult part of his life? Go watch the movie first and then maybe you can more effectively communicate with those who have seen it.

In the meantime my advice is to find some real root evils to fight rather than to dwell upon the tiny branches.


"When one door closes another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us."
  -- Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)