2004-3-15 05:47:00
Thanks again Rick, we give thanks every minute that's recording and to Keith for going to all the effort of getting the recording equipment working.
Today we're going to talk about astrology. Astrology in esoteric language is often called the Science of Relationships. Have you ever heard astrology called the Science of Relationships? Why is it called the science of relationships, that's not what normal astrologers calls it.
Because of the relationship between the planets and us?
There's another main reason why it's called the science of relationships. The hint is in planets. Are planets living bodies or dead bodies? Does this give you an idea of why astrology is the science of relationships? Right. As living beings we have various types of relationship between us. And so, if the planets are also living beings, would relationships also be involved? The scientists say astrology can't be real because the gravitational field of Mars has a negligible effect on earth. It wouldn't be enough to affect anything. That's the explanation scientists give why astrology isn't scientific. But, does the gravitational power of my body affect Andy's body at all? That doesn't make sense. If Andy's in Nigeria and I write an e-mail, even though his body is so far away that the warmth of my body will never affect his body, can I still have an affect on him, even though he is in Nigeria? How is that?
You can have an emotional effect on somebody. You can have a mental effect on somebody.
Response is more than physical presence versus physical presence isn't it? Even though Andy is a long way away from my physical presence, I can e-mail him or I can phone him or I can write him a letter or just remembering my warm personality (laughter) I can have an influence on him. Maybe attending this meeting, maybe hearing something I said may affect what he will do tomorrow. So, even though he is in Nigeria and I am here we can still have an affect on each other. Of course, it works the other way, Andy can have an effect on me.
When you look at it in this way, it brings it into the area of believability that even though the gravitational field of Mars has virtually negligible affect on somebody here on earth, that doesn't mean anything. Just like Andy's warmth of his body, I can't feel it when he's in Nigeria, I can't even feel it across the room. So, that doesn't mean anything. That's not relationship. Relationship is the influence your livingness and your personality have upon another person even though that other person may be thousands of miles away. We are thousands of miles away from the planet Mars and much further away from the planets Jupiter and Saturn yet they can still have an affect on us. Why can they have an affect on us? Why can Andy have an affect on me: Because he's a living human being with personality and attributes. Why can Mars have an affect on me? Because it's a living planet with attributes just as lesser human lives have attributes.
These attributes have been determined by astrologers using intuitive and psychic perceptions. The various astrologers through time have determined various planets have certain affects on us. One interesting thing DK says is that none of the planets are named randomly. He says that they all name themselves, pretty much. When Pluto was discovered he mentioned that fact. It's not by accident that Neptune is named Neptune. It's interesting that when Neptune was first named we could hardly even see what color it was. After we sent voyager there we saw the deep blue that surrounded Neptune and found that it was really well named for the way that actually looked. It looks like a giant blue watery planet even though it's not water, it's different types of gasses. It's a very blue looking planet, so it is very fitting for its name. What are the attributes of some of the planets for instance? Are there any amateur astrologers we can pick on?
Which planet in our solar system has an opposite spin to ours?
That's a planet that governs Aquarius, Uranus. Uranus has opposite spin? No, you're talking about the rotation or the spin? Uranus has opposite rotation. If I remember right, Uranus, its rotation, goes out in opposite direction.
Venus was what I heard.
Interesting little tidbit. Now, there are two types of astrology... there is regular personality astrology and then there's astrology presented by DK which he calls esoteric astrology. And very few people understand esoteric astrology. For one thing, he speaks around ideas, but he doesn't speak and teach directly how to use them. Have you read his book Esoteric Astrology, Cindy? After reading it can you do esoteric astrology?
I'm studying Transitional astrology.
Not too many people are attempting to learn esoteric astrology. He made a prediction that some student in the near future would elaborate on esoteric astrology. I found a gal on the net that thought she was the fulfillment of that prophecy and she was attempting to do that. But I didn't have time to study her thoroughly to see if she was really accomplishing anything. I'm sure there are a number of people attempting to do that.
There are a couple significant things that DK does make pretty clear that we are going to go into. First of all, he points out that for the average person, the prediction powers of astrology using the normal methods are really pretty accurate, because the personality and how it is influenced is fairly predictable. However when a person reaches soul consciousness it is more difficult to read them, they become more unpredictable because of what the soul tells you to do is often different than what the personality wants you to do. Have any of you had this happen? You go along with your personality the way you want to do something and you feel an inner communication guiding you towards something you had not thought. I see Anni's nodding her head. Doesn't that make sense Anni, that is you are unpredictable is because your soul has a different opinion than your personality.
So your soul is really unpredictable from the viewpoint of the lower man. Using personality means you can't predict it accurately. Another thing he says is that the signs are not in the places the astrologers say they are. When the astrologer says the sun is in Leo, it's really not in Leo. It's really all an illusion. But since we've accepted the illusion for so long, it's really a thought form around the illusion that produces the reality that makes astrology accurate. So I thought that was quite funny. One of the criticisms of astrology by scientists is that the signs aren't in the exact places that astrology says they are. But DK says that doesn't matter because of the thought form around it. Everything in this world of illusion governed by the personality is governed by the power of thought to such a degree.
News Flash:
They have just discovered a new planet beyond the orbit of Pluto. They have named it Sedna after the Goddess of the Oceans.
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved