1999-3-10 09:07:00
My friends,
Thank you for your kind encouraging words concerning the death of my sister.
Since I live closest to my mother, my brother-in-law gave me the assignment to give her the bad news.
She lives about an hour away from me and as I drove there I had a little time to reflect and as I reflected a feeling of great peace fell upon me and I felt a presence which I believed to be hers. I felt she was with me as I had to tell our mother and that she wanted very much to comfort her mother and let her know that she was very happy where she was.
I know that she is very relieved to be away from the stress and pain of a great illness so there is no problem for me accepting this. I just hope I don't look too cheerful at the funeral.
Nevertheless, I will miss her sweet spirit in earthly form.
I probably will not have time to post again until Friday evening.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved