2004-2-6 16:55:00
For those of you who are wishing me happy birthday in public and private - thank you very much. I thought that if I did not mention anything about it that no one would remember, but I as wrong.
This is a little unusual in that this birthday is during a full moon (5:48 AM MST). I probably should look at my chart and find out what is going on.
My original question:
What do you think? Is it not more cruel and vengeful to put a man in prison for life than to put him to death?
Ruth (the angel) responds:
If you look at it from the spiritual point of view, it is less cruel and vengeful to allow the person to live and learn. If you look at it from the material view, just execute him and be done with it.
What spiritual view is that? The spiritual view is that which is best for the progress of the individual.
Chances are a life in prison will take him away from his soul and harden him in the direction of a life of crime. There are anecdotal exceptions as John K noted, but we have to look at the good of the whole when making or supporting various laws.
If giving him the death penalty leads to a faster reincarnation where he is free from a life of negative influence, free from prison, but in a situation of his soul's choosing where he can progress faster is that not a more spiritual solution?
John W:
I don't know which is worse, being stuck in prison for life, or being stuck on an endless treadmill, going nowhere. Kind of like this discussion.
I think most are enjoying the stimulation of this discussion and it is going somewhere. Watch and see. We can't keep every single person interested in every topic, but we can keep the majority enjoying the conversation most of the time. I believe we are doing this.
There have been great posts lately on this subject. Gold stars go to Rob and Susan.
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved