2004-1-29 05:50:00
I'm glad the group is having fun with the question as to whether God will lie or use lies for certain ends.
Actually, I included those verses from the Bible to stimulate thought more than an attempt to prove that God uses lies. It never occurs to most standard Bible believers that God actually used lying to achieve certain ends.
The answer to this dilemma is not in the idea that you can prove anything out of the Bible. Just like you cannot prove anything from the writings of DK, even so what you can prove from the Bible is quite limited - especially if you use verses where the interpretation is fairly black and white.
When it says "Now therefore the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets." (2 Chron. 18:22) we have a pretty clear statement. The from the New Testament: "God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie..." (2 Thes. 2:11) is also a pretty clear statement. The enlightened reader, however, does not interpret the Bible in black and white, but by seeing underlying principles.
As most of you realize God is not some old man with a beard sitting on a throne, but is the One Great Life whose body is the universe, of which we are less than atoms in that body. This totality of life does not speak directly to man, but instead It's Purpose and Being are filtered down through the Hierarchy of beings until they reach humanity. Man is not perfect, neither are the godlike beings who communicate higher purpose to man.
Even so, the Brotherhood of Light does not deceive or directly lie. Instead, if an individual or group has their heart set on a path that can only be trod through deception, the Masters will allow the person or group to proceed along this path so a lesson can be learned.
When a Brother of Light is asked a question his answer will be literally true as far as the communication of language is possible.
But he may deem it wise to not fully answer the question, thus leaving the filling in of gaps to the disciple. If the disciple is not pure of heart then he may take the truth revealed to him and fill in the gaps with illusion and thus move on a path of deception through his own frailties and not because of a lie told by the master.
The 400 prophets of Ahab received a lie because they desired a lie and the story is in the form of a parable to explain what happened to them. Micaiah, the true prophet, saw beyond the lie because he did not fear what man can do and though the Spirit within, that never faileth, he perceived the truth.
When it says that "God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie..." we are not told that God, or a Master will lie, but that because many desire to receive a lie rather than the truth that God will merely allow this to happen and events will occur so a false belief system will appear to be true.
In other words, the scriptures are saying something like this:
"If you ignore the truth and want that which is deception more than you want truth then you shall live in a world which is upside down where that which is false shall appear to be true. This shall be your fate until you sincerely desire the truth no matter where it shall lead you."
The truth behind truth is this. The more light the disciple acquires and the further he progresses along the path the more truthful he will be and the more reliable will be his words. If the disciple is to ascend up the Hierarchy his words must be trusted so those who rely upon him he can trusted in that which has been said and promised.
The tactic of the Dark Brotherhood is different. They control, not through trust, but through power over their underlings. The disciple of light follows because of trust. The dark one because of fear of punishment or power.
A dream is nothing more than uncontrolled four-dimensional thinking, or the rearrangement of both past and future sensory impressions. Neville
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved