1999-3-4 11:59:00
"Can you think of a decision that is beyond the consciousness of most intelligent people?"
"Soul contact" as given by Glenys was a good answer to this. The average person does not even consider the possibility of this, and therefore makes no decisions in this direction.
Samu made a good point that there are variables to consider. The Higher Self may have something else in mind or Karma may not allow him to live to be 100. This is true but on the other hand, there is just about always a way around these obstructions.
Let us say, for instance, that the plan of your life by Higher Powers has a plan for you to get incurable cancer at the age of 50 so you can learn certain lessons.
If you make a definite decision to live to be 100 you can then get an alternative plan from your soul as to how you may learn the lesson and override the original plan.
Then there are times that your decision blends in with decisions of Higher Lives or a larger group. When this happens, these influences must be taken into consideration if your decision is to be attained.
One thing we should understand as we continue in this vein is a principle called in some writings a "ring-pass-not." I would guess that Xavier, Glenys and some others have heard of this before. Can you tell me what it means?
Let us say that a born again Christian has made a definite decision to go to a certain mountain on January 1, 2000 and meet Jesus who he expects will swoop him up into heaven. Will this happen just because he has made a decision about it? Why not?
Let us say that each member of the group decides that they will live to be 100 because they think this is a great idea, but then put the decision to the back of their minds and pay little attention to it. Is it likely then that they will live to be 100? If the answer is no then what is lacking here?
Remember that DECISION-CONSCIOUSNESS-ATTENTION is a key of knowledge. In other words, contemplation on this key can lead you to greater knowledge.
Copyright © 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved