2004-1-25 06:23:00
Keith, you make some good points about the anomalies of the moon landing.
Keith writes:
I recall reading that the moon rocks are no different than rocks found in parts of the Antarctic. If geologists were given both moon rocks and certain rocks from the Antarctic under blind conditions they would have a hard time telling the difference. (Nasa contracted a geologist in the mid sixties to go to the Antarctic and gather rock samples. Allegedly the weight of rocks gathered by this scientist is almost equal to the entire quantity of rocks brought back from the moon.)
I would doubt this since all rocks on the earth have water in them and moon rocks have none. In addition, they are composed of "iron, titanium, chromium, and others that resist high temperatures, high pressure and corrosion. It is an alloy unknown on earth."
The Soviets also retrieved moon rocks with an unmanned mission and their rocks were very similar to ours in composition.
I have no problem with the lack of stars in the photos for the surface of the moon is very bright and adjusting the aperture for that brightness would have dimmed the stars away. The astronauts were only on the moon in the brightness of the lunar day.
The astronauts took over 1100 photos that have been made available. As critics pour over this great number they are bound to find some oddities.
I'll tell you this. If I were to arrange a fake lunar landing I wouldn't repeat it six times (yesterday I mistakenly said five) with one disaster (Apollo 13) for theatrics. I also wouldn't produce 1100 photos that could be used as evidence to expose me. I'd maybe release 6-12 to the public and be darned sure there was nothing odd in them. I'd also only fake the thing one time. Seven attempts would just insure that I would get caught.
Like they say a secret held by three or more people is no longer a secret. NASA made seven moon attempts with a couple dozen astronauts and hundreds of conspirators that had to be controlled. It's literally impossible that no one is talking - if it were a hoax.
Here's a couple other items that would be difficult to fake.
Before the manned mission NASA sent several unmanned missions, one of them was Surveyor 3. Apollo 12 landed within 600 feet of this craft and pulled out the camera and several other items and returned them to earth for study. The scientists who studied this definitely saw that it was the real thing because of bombardment with cosmic rays and micrometeorites over the three years it was there.
The astronauts placed laser reflectors on the moon. Lasers were then sent from the earth to the moon and bounced back and observed by observatories. How did this happen if men did not go to the moon and place them there?
Perhaps the most powerful evidence is that three Apollo missions placed seismometers on the moon in three different locations. Several times the Lunar Module was sent back to crash on the moon after the astronauts were headed home. The crash created an explosion equal to 2,000 pounds of TNT and produced a moonquake. Moonquakes were recorded by all three seismometers and the data as received by scientists here on the earth.
I've never seen the conspiracy people explain how three different landings placed three different seismometers on the moon in three locations which have been verified, yet all this was done in a studio? Also, how did they make the moon quake from a studio?
I'll just be glad when we go back to the moon and take pictures of the flags and footprints that we planted there. This is one matter that will eventually be put to rest - which brings me to a final point.
If I were so inclined to fake a moon landing I would be very reluctant to do it even if I was very devious. Why? Because someday we would really go to the moon and prove to history that I was a fake. Would I really want to go down in history as the perpetrator of the biggest fraud in history? Not many would want that legacy.
To desire a state is to have it. As Pascal has said, "You would not have sought me had you had not already found me." Man, by assuming the feeling of his wish fulfilled, and then living and acting on this conviction, alters the future in harmony with his assumption. Neville
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