2004-1-20 06:03:00
Looks like another prediction of Benjamin Creme has fallen by the wayside. According to him the Masters were putting their support behind Dennis Kucinich and he received a whopping 1% of the vote in Iowa. Kucinich himself said that if he received less than 15% he would drop out.
Creme also said that Saddam was dead and still maintained he was right even after he was captured. He claimed that we caught a double instead. It would be unlikely though that the double would have a suitcase full of money, a notebook full of plans and high level names and the same DNA as Saddam.
It has always been one of the signs of a true teacher that he will not give wild-eyed prophesies that do not come true. It is also a sign of enlightened seekers that they will hold teachers accountable for predictions and statements that prove to be full of error. So many times has a guru lead his flock to the mountain to meet the Lord, a UFO or the end of the world and nothing has happened. Still the followers do not question and yet believe the "revised plan" of the leader.
I think a group finally exists that knows better. It is this group here on the Keys list.
Interesting account of human evolution and creation Douglas. You have taken two cosmologies and attempted to synthesis them. Such an effort always brings some light and additional unanswered questions. I'm not going to write much more about the subject on this list but am saving it for the future Immortal books. When the time comes some very interesting information will be revealed that you have not read anywhere else.
Speaking of the Immortal -- I was going to start Book 4 a few months ago but my spare time got soaked up in working on promoting Book Three. I think I finally have things together so I can start Book Four. As happened last time I will make the chapters available to the group, but in between I will not be posting so much. I am thinking of presenting more Laws to the group and having the members answer each other more.
Let me say this about the history of mankind, the earth and the universe. No one has give the whole story out accurately, not even DK [Djwhal Khul]. DK, for instance, teaches our history within the framework of cycles and correspondences and hides much of the story within them. Other teachers have pieces to the puzzle, but have taken those pieces and mixed then with conjecture, imagination and astral revelation.
I will be writing about several additional pieces, but not all. Others will come after me giving more still. These sparks of truth will fly in the midst of a downpour of misinformation, but the wise will always see the light in the midst of darkness.
Many thanks to those of you who commented on the Philadelphia Experiment. Those of you who did some research came away feeling that all was not what was claimed by the advocates of it being a supernatural experience.
Joel made an excellent logical observation:
"I did really want this to be true but after taking all the facts into consideration I just can't. Mostly because if it did happen then it is human nature to persevere and we would try it again and again until we got it right regardless of the loss endured."
Yes, if such technology was developed then you just can't put the genie back into the bottle. The technology of time and/or dimensional travel would now be far along and could not be completely covered up.
"I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and beheld service was joy."
-- Rabindranath Tagore
Copyright © 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved