2004-1-16 04:55:00
I'd be negligent in my duties not to acknowledge John K's great discovery that H. P. Blavatsky really returned as Aunt Bea. I'm sure the Theosophical Society would be interested in this. Another secret is that DK returned as Barney Fife, but suffered a little brain damage at birth.
Keith, I think the group would be interested in hearing about what you pick up while doing the Avatar invocation.
OK, my friends. No one responded to yesterday's assignment. I know this one will take a little work, but this is one of the few times I've asked you to do research.
Let me repeat:
Go to your favorite search engine and type in the words "Philadelphia Experiment" and then attempt to find two web pages that support a supernatural event and two that are skeptical and give us a post on what you have concluded by reading both sides.
Don't just take the first four or five sites that come up but look over a number of them before you explore.
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved