2004-1-8 06:14:00
Glenys writes:
This is the first time you have said that the HPB/JFK link was confirmed by your soul (note Larry - the soul confirming facts :-)
Actually, I never said this. I said that we should follow our soul first and common sense next, but was speaking this as a general principle.
Perhaps my answering of Keith's question will clarify.
J.J. I have a question. Did you receive soul confirmation regarding your HPB/Kennedy theory? Or is your analysis based solely upon handwriting analysis alone? In other words, is your theory based solely upon a technical analysis?
I'll tell you how the process went and you can make up your mind.
When I went to the web page and saw H. P. Blavatsky's writing it seemed familiar. Then I recalled mentally that JFK's writing was very close and compared the two side by side. I immediately concluded that the match was close enough that there was a strong chance that they could be the same entity. I then decided to investigate more closely. During the next three days I spent every moment researching the two and during this time I felt highly driven. Then as I was lining things up and the pieces were falling in place I felt a presence. I felt it was the HPB/JFK entity sighing, thinking with gladness that it was about time someone figured out the puzzle.
When I receive revelation on a principle I am 100% sure because the soul speaks the language of principles. The soul rarely reveals data, but will verify data from time to time when it is important to the life purpose of the seeking entity. Receiving verification of data is rarely infallible, however, for it is not the language of the soul. I can only say that my soul impressed me to do this research, but cannot say that my soul has verified that my research to be 100% correct.
Larry is basically correct in how I relate the soul with principles and facts with this caveat.
First: the soul will verify facts on occasion as I just said.
Secondly, the soul does not give facts, but can open a door so facts can be discerned or discovered. Few are able to go in and out of that door with authority.
My logical mind does tell me that there is better than a 99% chance that H. P. Blavatsky was later JFK. It also feels right to me.
On this note let me add this. In times past disciple after disciple have revealed many pieces of facts and data that were later proven wrong and they have been discredited to a degree. To retrieve facts and data through the soul or spirit with accuracy requires the status of Master or higher and even these high lives are not infallible. The temptation for the disciple such as HPB, Helena Roerich or Joseph Smith is this: when asked a question they like to give an answer to illustrate the truth of their divine calling. What happens with many of them is when they do not have a true revelation on the facts they will distil them from their own thoughtforms.
This flaw that most past disciples have possessed must come to an end and part of my mission is to bring this about. I am to teach the importance of principles over facts and if I do not have a true revelation of the facts I am to not manufacture them just so my personality will grow in authority. When I do not know the answer to a question where a fact or piece of data is requested I will tell you the truth as I am here with JFK.
All should feel free to disagree with me. No one should ever feel like they are going against some answer from God when they do. Only going against one's own soul should create any distress.
I'm not sure if your question is rhetorical, or directed at me but to answer I do not have soul confirmation on this one and neither do I think I am not using my common sense. As I said, I am keeping an open mind - or at least trying to.
That's all we can ask of any of us.
BTW, have you ever analyzed the handwriting of someone who has been overshadowed - before and after the event?
John mentioned the possibility of glamour in examining JFK's past. There's not much chance of this unless one were to have the glamour of idolization in connection with either HPB or JFK.
There is a strong possibility of glamour entering in when we attempt to see our own past lives, however.
All truth, whether it be in the form of facts or principles, is helpful to the seeker in seeing the big picture.
If I am correct on HPB/JFK then it teaches us much more than just who JFK was in a past life. It teaches us a method of discovery, the use of logic, and the fact that many people out there making proclamations of true facts do not know any more than the rest of us.
It also gives us a great clue as to what to look for in a trio of entities (JFK, RFK and John Jr.) that are likely to appear on the scene in a generation.
If I am still here I may be able to identify them as they begin their work.
He that would perfect himself in any art whatsoever, let him betake himself to the reading of some sure and certain work upon his art many times over; for to read ,many books upon your art produceth confusion rather than learning.
Old Saying
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