2004-1-7 06:06:00
Thanks for your comments on the H. P. Blavatsky page. I found the research on this fascinating. Because I have 40 years experience with handwriting analysis the comparisons are quite impressive to me. If any of the rest of you have comments on the credibility of the presentation I would be interested in hearing it.
There is more I could place on the site and will probably fine tune it as I have time. One thing I could do is an astrological chart comparison . I'm sure we would find some interesting correspondences, but there is probably nothing available to compare to handwriting analysis to give hard physical proof.
As a person moves from life to life he changes rays, personality, circumstances and sometimes sex. Normally, a person will have changed enough so his handwriting will appear significantly different - at least in superficial ways. The main thing to look for is the basic intelligence- and where that intelligence is most pronounced. Since Kennedy and H. P. Blavatsky are both extremely intelligent they both would be expected to have aspects that would catch the eye of the analyst.
Fortunately, in this case there was an amazing amount of similarities, making this a great concrete case for reincarnation.
If DK is a 10 in intelligence H. P. Blavatsky would be an 8, Kennedy an 8.5 and Alice A. Bailey a 7 - based on handwriting.
Glenys writes:
Funny how they're both known by their three initials.
Yes, that is interesting and I meant to include that piece of information.
It is also interesting that H. P. Blavatsky suffered greatly with ill health in her last twenty or so years. Her kidneys and possibly other organs gave out due, I think, to her excessive smoking and possibly her medications. As I said, she smoked up to 200 cigarettes a day. I think this ill health carried over in to JFK's life for he suffered greatly with poor health from his youth. As a young man is was always in and out of the best hospitals undergoing every test possible as the doctors were trying to figure out his mystery illness.
Neither of them seemed to control their physical desires. Since H. P. Blavatsky was not that great in looks for a woman, it appears she took out her compulsion in smoking whereas JFK was excessive in sex. Such apparent lack of control is unusual in an initiate. Yet both of them showed self control of the physical worthy of an initiate in other areas of life. Their ability to override their pain and illness and function normally is a good example.
I do not think either of them achieved the fourth initiation as I do not see any evidence that either of them yielded to the "great renunciation."
There is one possibility, however. If Kennedy knew in advance that he was to be assassinated in Dallas and his soul told him to yield to it because it was a part of some great plan - this could qualify. The reason would be that he would have been giving up more than his life (which is not enough). He would have been giving up the opportunity to change the world as the most powerful leader on the planet.
Someone asked if I believe that JFK/HPB has reincarnated again. I'm not sure of the time , but I believe he has taken incarnation recently. What I have strongly picked up is the reason his son John Jr. was killed. One of JFK's great disappointments was that he was not able to raise his son, with whom he had an especially close soul connection. In the realm of the Soul JFK asked his son if he would join him in his new life and he agreed. Thus was the airplane crash arranged by the powers that be so John Jr. could be again born as JFK's son - this time, hopefully to have a relationship together. Of course Bobby will be joining in too, but not Ted for he is not in the soul group.
Were you still enough to hear the sound of your own beliefs you would know what is meant by "the music of the spheres."
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved