2003-12-30 05:22:00
The second ray is called the ray of love and wisdom. Of course there are three sub-aspects here too. Do you know what they are? Well, it's called the ray of love and we've already said wisdom. Leonardo Da Vinci said something like, "to love something you have to understand it." What do you think the third one is?
Yea, right! It's really true isn't it? It's really easy to hate something you do not understand. We all know that. So understanding is a very important ingredient. But of course it's not enough because a person can understand you perfectly well but still use that understanding for selfish purposes. If someone came to my house with a gun and I said, "Hey I'm really scared you're going to kill me or my kids and take my things away." He'll understand that but will he change his ways? I doubt it because he knew that already before he came there. He'll still act for selfish purposes. It takes more than understanding. It takes love and wisdom. A lot of people get confused with this ray, at least in Denmark. It might be different here. In Denmark we have a lot of new age people who teach a lot about love. "Love each other. Go and love each other." You're wondering how do I love other people. "Just go there and make them happy. Don't think. Just do what they want. Follow your heart." Do you hear that here too? It really took me quite awhile, probably until I met JJ and his books, to figure out the difference.
What is it I need to apply to this? It's not true. That's a solar plexus feeling. It's that warm and fuzzy nice feeling of love but you really need to apply wisdom to it. Wisdom is the mental aspect of love, of this ray. DK is a Master of wisdom. The Lords of Compassion too are all on the second ray. They have very pure hearts like Mother Theresa and in the laws of wisdom they apply the mental power. They have to have the mental also and use the mental abilities in the second ray.
Second ray people have a tendency to withdraw from the world. They'd rather study and meditate and be by themselves because the world is a hard place to be. So they withdraw from the world and they sit and they meditate and if they don't see this they can keep doing this for a real long time. What they need is to go out and do something in the real world. That's a hard part for them to do. It's also the ray of teachers. It's the ray of the Christ and the Buddha.
Not every teacher you meet is on the second ray. It's much more complex than that but it is called the ray of teachers because the world teachers are on this ray. There are lots of second ray souls on this earth right now. What do they have to do to balance their soft hearts? They need to go out and apply wisdom to what they do. It's not about making everyone feel good, it's about seeing a higher purpose. Maybe you even need to kick some ass sometimes. (Laughter) You do because in the end it will be better for them. How do you know that?
Wisdom, soul contact.
Wisdom and soul contact again. You need to tune-in and find the best way. It took me a real long time to learn these things. When you think about it, it's like the parent with the kid who says, "Hey mom, I want to play on the highway. Please, please, please mom!" It's very obvious that you'd make the child very happy by saying yes, for a very short time at least. But if you say no and explain why not, you're really helping them much more. That's love. That's second ray love.
I think Jesus embodied this second ray love when He said, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." He didn't say feel.
That's right. They have to go together, they're very closely connected. They should be. That's what we need to learn. The second ray person coming into a store would be like this. They pick up cues right away. "There's somebody behind me who is angry. He wants to come in front of me. Is he happy now? Look she's smiling. What a lovely shirt you're wearing today." They want everyone to be happy. When they go out they wonder if they should go back and tell people more nice things to make them happy. That's the second ray person. (Laughter)
Do you have anything to add to second ray? There are a lot of things we could say but we don't want to take too long. There are a lot of things about astrology and the different rays and planets and symbols but you can read that stuff if you're really in to it. Maybe JJ will say more about it.
Okay, third ray. It's called the ray of active intelligence. Of course there are three sub-aspects to this ray as well. I bet you know at least one of them very well because when we talk about purpose in the first and second what would be the third? You know this from the Molecular Relationship. There is purpose, there is love and what's the opposite of love that creates the duality in the world?
Almost. It's light. There is light. There is active intelligence and the last one is knowledge. These people really want to understand things. They want to think and figure out things. The third ray is very closely linked with matter. This is where creation takes place. DK talked a lot about that ability in connection with this ray. It's an important aspect of this ray that we need to adapt to things. We think that God has made everything ready for us to go take down. Tune into it and take it down and we'll be fine. Just follow the laws of God. It's not like that. God hasn't figured everything out yet.
God knows he wanted to create and He knows how He wants it to be in the end but all the things in between we're helping Him do. It's like a big painting and the colors are still moving around. You can see them moving because God finds this little law and applies it and watches to see what happens.
We take that law into matter, into the earth, into our lives and we apply it. We see what happens and maybe it needs a little correction then there'll come along another law. Not all laws are thought out beforehand. Some things are still changing. God doesn't know how we'll get there and we're helping Him get there. We have our own free will so we can also change things by using that on earth. So it's a game and we should have fun while doing this because God is having fun putting the puzzle together. That's the ability to take and adapt it into our lives and take it all the way into matter on the physical plane.
Third ray people are very much into ideas and knowledge. They have broad perspectives. They can see something from everybody's perspective. When you're with someone who says I think this they'll be able to see that. If someone says another view they'll be able to see that too. They can see all around a thing. They have a broad perspective. It's a blessing and a curse because it's good to be able to see different things from different perspectives but it can also make it very hard for you to make a decision. What do you have to do if it's hard to make a decision? How do you make the decision?
Soul contact.
Yes, soul contact again. Tuning in and finding the best way to do it right now. What's the best thing to do right now. We're not perfect and don't get the perfect solution but we do the best we can. This taking an idea into matter, if you think about the founding fathers of the United States, they really did this. They took the idea of freedom and democracy and took it into laws and the constitution. They took it into matter and made it real. They created it on earth. That's a third ray aspect to be able to do that. They were do-ers. They created. A chess player is also a very good example of this. They overview the whole game and see the different moves that can be made and they make a strategy. That's a very third ray aspect.
If God doesn't know how these things are going to turn out how can we know? If He doesn't know ahead of time, how can we get soul contact?
God knows what the end will be and how it will be at the end, but He doesn't know all the ways to get there because there are many different possibilities. He can see all of it at one time. We can only see a very small piece. He can see if He tries to put a new law into action how people might react and then see what happens. That's the way that He can help us and our soul can help us.
We don't go like this when we try to fulfill God's purpose but sometimes we go like this and sometimes maybe backwards or around and around. There are many, many different ways. God can overview this all at one time and He knows when to apply some new laws. The soul will tell you how fill God's purpose at the moment. So God is learning through us. He's also experiencing. I know it's quite a new way of looking at things and most people don't think it's really like that. They think God knows everything.
Third ray people can be very critical and very detached. They have to learn to apply more love, like everybody else. They're often very sure that they're right. When they think they're right, they know they're right.
When you come into life on certain rays, is that the way you stay?
I think we come into life with the rays but they change from one life to another. We have the personality ray chosen before we're born because it's a way of learning. We have to decide what we need to learn in different lifetimes. These rays will influence us in certain ways just like astrology. I think that's pretty much chosen beforehand. Next lifetime they can change except the soul ray and that of the monad. Is that correct JJ? If we come into life with the rays of the emotional, personality and soul, they can change from life to life?
That's correct.
So we can change ourselves by concentrating on building up the weak areas?
Right. Rays are the psychology of the new age. That's what DK says. The knowledge of the rays is the psychology of the new age and it's really very complex. When you find your rays or think about your rays you can also see what you need to work on more closely.
So you have an emotional ray, a personality ray, a soul ray, etc and they're all different rays?
You have your soul on one ray and that will stay stable through your lifetimes. That will not change. Your personality ray can change from lifetime to lifetime. You have a mental ray. Your mental body is vibrating on its special ray. Your emotional body is vibrating on a special ray and your physical body is vibrating on a special ray. Of course some bodies may be on the same ray. They don't have to be different but often we do find they are vibrating on different rays.
unable to hear
One body is vibrating on one ray.
Are the rays influenced by our astrological signs?
There is a connection. I don't know them by heart but I've read that one ray will work through three signs.
There is at least one planet involved in every ray and maybe even three planets. We've got a list of those if you'd like to look at the list.
Planet Earth itself is vibrating on the third ray. Each of the signs corresponds to a ray, several rays actually depending on your stage of evolution.
So we, as a soul, decide to incarnate with certain rays. Are we then born under a sign with those rays or do we pick the sign to be born under and then those signs affect us?
It would be the same thing.
Well, it isn't what comes first. Do you open the door to go outside or are you just there. It's like there's a certain time to be born and when you are born you're under certain astrological influences and each one of those influences is tempered by one of the rays.
So I'm Cancer and second ray and Cancer goes with second ray so whether I chose to be Cancer or I chose to be second ray, it's the same thing?
You may be on ray six but astrologically you may be a strong ray seven. It's another influence. There are a lot of influences out there. DK points out that everything is complicated but if you wanted to be a doctor like RoseMarie, it takes a tremendous amount of study, right? He says you need to do the same thing in metaphysics. You need to approach it like you're getting a doctor degree.
I'm wondering what my principle ray is. By the descriptions, the one that sounds most like me, does that mean it's my soul ray?
Not necessarily. I've gone around like that and said this must be my soul ray. Today I'm really sure about my soul ray, but that's just about it.
So it would probably be more like a composite mixture?
One way to do it is to look at the vices of the different rays because you know what your drawbacks are. You don't need to tell everyone else but if you're honest with yourself sometimes you can figure it out from there. That's what I do. There's just one thing left for me now and that's to show you the third ray person in the store. Before I go into the store I know exactly what I want because I've thought about all the different possibilities. So I just enter. I'm not trying to get a personal relationship with the guy so I just enter, wait for my turn and tell him I'd like a white shirt. I explain the material and he gives it to me. I say, "Thank you very much" and walk out. I don't even think about if that guy was happy or not. This was just a job.
I have a question. With the second ray person did you say they don't even know what they want? Do they find something they like and buy it without a goal when they enter the store?
Yes, they do have a goal when they walk into the store. This is sort of a fun demonstration. Some of the rays would be more influenced by what they see in the store, like a sixth ray person. They go in and say, "That's a lovely shirt you're wearing. Can I buy this here?" They're more impulsive. Of course they all know what they want. They all have their goals and purposes. It's just the way we react differently. (Applause!)
"Once however that he grasps the fact he is watching the effect of the cyclic impulses and the effect of the soul's meditation upon his form nature, the meaning becomes clearer and he realises that it is that form aspect which is failing in its response, and re-acting to energy with unevenness. He then learns that once he can live in the soul consciousness and attain that 'high altitude' (if I might so express it) at will, the fluctuations of the form life will not touch him. He then perceives the narrow-edged razor path which leads from the plane of physical life to the soul realm, and finds that when he can tread it with steadiness it leads him out of the ever changing world of the senses into the clear light of day and into the world of reality.
"The form side of life then becomes to him simply a field for service and not a field of sensuous perception."
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved