2003-12-16 04:30:00
Blayne writes:
They have been doing this to the second the fourth and the tenth for years. That's why they think they can do it to the first. By the way this isn't the first attack on the first amendment that has been successful. They have successfully infringed on the freedom of religion aspect and also free speech by forcing churches to register with them as tax exempt entities or be taxed. This may seem insignificant but they have revoked churches tax exempt status for politically incorrect sermons and confiscated some churches property who fought them. Indiana Baptist comes to mind but there are many others. This is a way of controlling speech. The beast always tries to consolidate it power and has made increasingly bolder moves in this direction.
Yes, this interferes with the First Amendment, but such a church still has freedom of speech if it is willing to thumb it's nose at the tax exemption. I think the Finance Reform is even more precarious because a special interest cannot advertise at all on radio and TV no matter what the tax status. In addition the Supreme Court set a precedent for the restriction of other speech.
You mention the Lights don't have much power to counter this right now but this will change soon. I hope you are right and wish you would elaborate on why and how you think it will change soon. Because if it doesn't change soon I think we may be in for some increasingly dark times.
The gathering will be one tool, but there is more that can be done, but first a few of the lights must obtain a foothold of financial power or it will be a struggle in futility. When the time is right I will share more with you. Rest assured that when the descent away from freedom reaches the point of tension a light will break forth giving new opportunity.
They say the economy is in an upswing but I am not yet convinced. As many are still getting laid off and the current upswing seems to be based mostly on credit and cut backs not real solid growth among many other factors. I am hoping it will continue but fear it is only a temporary upswing and it may get much worse before it gets better. It appears those funny corporate accounting chickens may be coming home to roost.
The economy is difficult to predict. Through the sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties I never heard one prognosticator get it right. From all that I read it always seemed we were doomed to a depression within a short time - yet the depression never came.
Sooner or later we'll have economic upheavals - let us hope that we are prepared when they come. The present overspending of Congress is certainly a red flag that will bite us in a couple years.
"To teach them how to link up the personal lower self with the overshadowing soul so that in the physical brain there is an assured consciousness as to the reality of that divine fact. This knowledge renders the hitherto assumed reality of the three worlds futile to attract and hold, and is the first step, out of the fourth, into the fifth kingdom."
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved