Winning the War

2003-12-7 08:55:00

Robill asks an excellent question:
DK said in "The Externalization of Hierarchy" that the Forces of Light actually triumphed in the conflict of Atlantis. Which is right?

"The cleavage between the two groups (the one expressing the forces of materialism and the other the energy of light) grew gradually wider until towards the close of the Atlantean Age it was so wide, and the lines of demarcation between the two schools of life and thought were so clear, that a crisis was precipitated in the then civilized world of which the present conflict is a definite effect. Let us also hope that it constitutes a climax which will never again occur. Then took place the great war between the Lords of Form and the Lords of Being, or between the Forces of Matter and the Great White Lodge. A careful study of volume two of The Secret Doctrine will prove enlightening to students, if they will study with particular care pages 275-466. To our understanding, this account may seem vague and obscure, but the issues at the time were clear. The Forces of Light triumphed because the Hierarchy was forced to intervene potently, and, with the aid of certain great Lives extraneous to our planetary life, They brought the Atlantean civilization to an abrupt end after a long period of chaos and disaster. This took place through the medium of a culminating catastrophe which wiped hundreds of thousands of human beings off the face of the earth. This historical event has been preserved for us in the universal legend of the great flood."

On the other hand in the same book he says: "Its appearance, expression and activity upon the physical plane for the first time since it withdrew into the subjective side of life and focused itself on the mental plane (instead of the physical) during the days of ancient Atlantis and after the war between the Lords of the Shining Countenance and Lords of the Dark Face, as The Secret Doctrine calls it. For millions of years, AS A RESULT OF THE TRIUMPH OF EVIL IN THOSE DAYS, the Hierarchy has stood in silence behind world events, occupied with the following work-a work which will eventually be carried on exoterically instead of esoterically:" The Externalization of the Hierarchy Pg 519

Also in Treatise on Cosmic Fire he says: "The Lords of the Dark Face, or the inherent forces of matter FOR A TIME ACHIEVED SUCCESS, and only the fifth round of our chain will see their ultimate defeat."

Why the dichotomy here?

The answer is quite simple. The Dark Lords won the great battles in the days of Atlantis but the overall war extends over millions of years.

From the short term angle the Dark Lords had their victory, but from a wholeness point of view the Lords of Light moved a step forward after the destruction of Atlantis.

It all comes down to the attitude of the observer best demonstrated by the story of Edison.

A reporter once approached Thomas Edison as he was working on the light bulb and said: "You have been working on this silly light bulb for years and have attempted 10,000 times to make it work and they have all failed. After 10,000 failures are you now prepared to admit that this light bulb idea is just a dream? Edison wisely answered: "My dear friend. I have not failed as you have said. Instead I have successfully identified 10,000 combinations that do not work. I am 10,000 steps closer to success and do not have many more to go."

DK thus called the conflict in Atlantis a success, in this instance, not because a victory was achieved over the hearts of men, but because the Hierarchy had worked out a lot of bugs to prepare for the successful win during the two great world wars and the laying of the foundation for the great age to come.

"Correct response to one's environment will result in correct rapport with the soul aspect, hidden in every form, and will produce right relations between the various parts of the inner nervous structure to be found in every kingdom of nature, subhuman and superhuman." DK