2003-12-4 06:59:00
I checked out the time traveler site recommended by Blayne and found it quite interesting.
First of all I will say that I am inclined to believe that we are not visited by physical time travelers. One reason is this.
Let us suppose that a time travel machine was invented in 2036. This would attract the attention of many people and it would not be long before every man and his dog would be either building or buying one. Mass production would make them readily available and it would be entirely possible that within 50 years after the invention that they would be as popular as the computer is today.
Now let us suppose then that by the year 2150 that 100,000,000 people had access to time travel. How many time travelers do you think each of us would be running into? Every time you go to the grocery store you'd be bumping into a couple.
Also, Kennedy and Lincoln would not have been assassinated for a number of time travelers could not have resisted going back and rescuing them. There would have been quite a few appearing just before 911 to warn us of the disaster.
This is indeed a strong and logical argument on the side that physical time travel has not happened.
One could argue that in the future time travel is controlled by strict laws, be even here some would get away with breaking the laws and play around with changing the past.
That said, I found John Titor's (the time traveler) predictions quite interesting. If Russia does attack us in 2015 I will take a second look at my belief system.
There is one prediction that made a lot of sense to me and that was his prediction of a civil war in the U.S. in 2004.
Actually, this country has been in a civil war on the astral plane since the close 2000 election. Since then the far left has been seething with anger and seeking for any chance to get even. Thus we do have the danger of this astral war extending itself to the physical plane. If we were to have a second controversial election a physical conflict could be externalized. If Bush wins again the forces of attack could come on stronger than ever.
If Dean (or someone else) wins and attempts to take away additional freedom of speech - such as implementing the Fairness Doctrine that is talked about - (or increasing taxes) then the conservatives could rebel.
Whatever the case the tension between the two extremes is going to get worse before it gets better. This doctrine that everyone is preaching about accepting diversity is being thrown out the window with extreme hypocrisy.
Back in 1997 when I posted the first Immortal book online I received some interesting letters from a guy who claimed to be a time traveler. He said he was from a couple hundred years in our future where he lived on Europa, a moon of Jupiter. He said he did not travel here in the physical, but was borrowing a body to do research in our time. He said that there had been a great war a few years in our future and that his time only had a sketchy history of events before the war. He had come back in time to study our history so the future could have an accurate and more complete account of what happened and the causes of the war.
Too back he could not give me immediate predictions because of his lack of knowledge of our time period - so he said.
"No true investigator of the Ageless Wisdom is asked to give blind adherence to any presentation of truth; he is asked, however, to have an open mind and seriously to weigh and consider the theories and ideals, the laws and the truths which have guided so many out of darkness into the light of knowledge and experience." DK
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved