2003-12-2 05:57:00
Glenys writes:
"I'm hoping that this time will be 'third time lucky' for me. How do we know that the angel that appeared to Jesus was a member of Christ's molecule?"
As I said the last time you asked, the molecular relationship is only hinted at by the Bible and DK [Djwhal Khul]. Since there is nothing written on this the only way to find out for sure is to receive a personal revelation or confirmation through the soul. If this is not achieved one must follow the highest conclusion that seems to make sense.
It does make sense that one who is linked to the Christ would come to assist him.
"When I used the term 'ashram' I was referring to those of the fifth kingdom - the Hierarchy of Masters. You said that the one in which Christ was involved was molecular. But there were others who weren't. It was clear to me that you weren't talking about anything other than 'higher' ashrams because of the Christ's involvement."
That wasn't the message I intended to convey. Christ and the masters are involved in some degree with numerous ashrams composed of mortals, or non masters. One has to become molecular to be a master and work with the Hierarchy.
"So...you appear to be saying that some of the higher ashrams aren't molecular and I was asking you to elaborate."
If we are talking about the ashrams composed of Masters only, I was not intending to convey this so elaboration is a moot point.
"I asked whether it related to function because as I understand, it the molecular order has particular functions which change according to the size of the molecule (bearing in mind that you have said that there will be molecules in the future that will have different functions according to their molecular structure)."
One important function of the first ones will to bring heaven and earth together, or the fifth and fourth kingdoms so there will be greater interplay.
Another function will be to set a governing example that will eventually be emulated by all the governments of the earth.
The power to receive higher impression will be enhanced.
There are many other qualities and functions of the molecules that are unknown to disciples and we will just have to take them in and put them to use as they are manifest.
"As I have tried to explain above, I thought that you taught that different sized molecules would have different functions - hence the question."
Molecules composed of different numbers will have different qualities. The only one I have written much about is the model presented by Jesus composed of twelve units.
Groups of molecules will eventually create a higher correspondence to a cell which will have higher qualities still.
More knowledge will be given to us as needed, but for now I have given out enough to stimulate the imagination of seekers. If you or anyone have specific questions on this topic I'd be happy to give my two cents.
"I think this may be an answer to my questions, thanks JJ. So you are saying here that when you talk about molecules, you are not necessarily confining yourself to molecules of 12 pairs? Thus an ashramic molecule can be any size molecule."
There are different molecular combinations available but not any number will work. Just like carbon and oxygen atoms combing in certain angles and numbers can create a variety of molecules, but most combinations just do not work - even so with humans. Certain numbers and associations work, but the majority do not. In addition there must be a molecular link to the fifth kingdom for the bonding energy to flow.
Glenys quoting JJ wrote:
"'Right now the molecular order exists in the fifth kingdom and higher so technically one could say it was something to be achieved in the past because the status of a Master is something that must be achieved through great effort.'"
Glenys then wrote:
"I assume you mean 'future' rather than 'past' (notwithstanding the recent discussions on time)?"
I meant the past in the fact that in the past a human could only join a molecule by becoming a Master. But in the future when molecules are established among humanity one will not have to make such a great achievement to participate in the order.
"Well, yes. You know I know that! LOL! I was referring to group consciousness in terms in terms of the consciousness of the soul. So are you saying that the group consciousness that is a characteristic of a soul infused personality is a precursor to being a member of a molecule? So one cannot be a member of a molecule until one has developed a degree of group consciousness which explains why we don't have them yet."
Correct. A certain degree of soul and/or group consciousness will be necessary for each member in order to create a working molecule. There are such people out there, but gathering twenty four of the first ones together requires a Herculean effort.
"This helps quite a bit thanks JJ. I still have some questions about this but will leave them for now as I don't seem to be able to express them to you in a way that is understandable to you. I think I must be living proof that there is such a thing as a stupid question."
You are asking good questions. If there is anything I have not answered to your satisfaction you are welcome to ask again. If you ask and rephrase enough I am bound to get it sooner or later.
"In the wise use of knowledge comes increased capacity to receive the hidden wisdom."
-- Djwhal Khul
Copyright © 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved