2003-12-1 05:46:00
Glenys asks some more questions:
"I was asking the question about your comment about the angel being a member of Jesus' molecule, not about the principle of the molecular relationship in general. I am a long-time convert.
"And how would this tie in with his membership of an ashram (or were they not as structured as they are now, post-Christ?)."
It was the Christ who was linked to the angel through the Molecular Order and then Jesus to the Christ. Jesus became associated with the molecular order in that particular lifetime. To simplify I often use the name Jesus when referring to the one mission of the two entities.
Glenys quoting JJ:
"There are various grades of ashrams. Some are molecular and some are not. The Christ at that time was a member of one that was molecular. His ashram at that time was of a different constitution than it is today, but the principle that governs it remains the same."
Glenys then asks:
"Are you able to elaborate on this? What determines whether an ashram is molecular?"
At this point the only ashrams that are molecular are those occupied by the Masters and higher. Those composed of inhabitants of the fourth kingdom are not
even though they may be initiated by a molecular member. The extension of the Molecular Order to the human kingdom will be a means of linking heaven and
earth and assist in the externalization of the Hierarchy.
I'm not sure what you are asking here. The function and purpose of the molecular order is covered quite extensively in the book. In a nutshell the function
of the molecular order is to extend the benefits and powers of the higher kingdoms to the lower -- the seventh (and sixth assisting) to the fifth and the
seventh and fifth to the fourth.
"And in that case, I guess you are saying that the number of beings in some ashrams can only be 24 (12 pairs)? (I assume that would have to be a sub-ashram with a particular function because the number's just don't stack up otherwise?)"
Just as atomic molecules come in different numbers so can human molecules. Jesus and the Christ established one with twelve units and the plan is to duplicate
Eventually we will have spiritual scientists dedicated to the study of various human molecular arrangements and tabulate the characteristics created just as
scientists now study atomic molecules. This may be some distance in the future, however.
"Once again, how are some angels in a molecule and others aren't?"
Some angels are disembodied spirits and most of these are servants of humanity not yet linked. Others are of the deva kingdom with their own particular order
of a different type. Those angels who are masters and higher are molecular -- such as Gabriel who appeared to Mary
"Apart from function, is it a sign of seniority of sorts (on the premise that being a member of a molecule denotes that a certain degree of evolution has been achieved)?"
Right now the molecular order exists in the fifth kingdom and higher so technically one could say it was something to be achieved in the past because the
status of a Master is something that must be achieved through great effort. However, in the future this order will be extended to the human kingdom where
many who are not masters will participate. The main thing to be achieved for future human participants is solid soul contact and the ability to merge with
a group with the good of the group in mind over the benefit of self.
"I guess you are saying too, that group consciousness doesn't necessarily mean molecular consciousness as I would have thought all angels (at the level we are talking about anyway) would be group conscious. If that is so, how does group consciousness compare with molecular consciousness? Or am I not comparing apples with apples?"
There are various levels of group consciousness. A degree of group consciousness is presently achieved by groups in existence now, from business
associations, to religious and fraternal ones to a football team.
When one is incorporated into the Molecular Order he is already at a fairly high level of group consciousness and cooperation. The link up brings more of
an increase in spiritual flow than it does group consciousness, even though the energy does also stimulate consciousness. Overall the rising of consciousness
is due more to individual effort.
An imperfect example would be the difference in a human when he enters his car. His consciousness has not changed that much but his power to move is
A molecular member is linked up to a Hierarchical order and will sense an increase in spiritual power. How he uses this will differ according to his
intelligence and point in evolution.
"I'm a little confused JJ. In your last message you talked about Jesus and now you are talking about Christ. So are you saying that Jesus was in a molecule with the apostles (and partners) and the Christ was in a molecule with another crowd, including an angel that helped Jesus (not the Christ as a separate entity) stay alive in the Garden? If so, I guess Jesus (as a separate entity) got the benefit of two molecules during his ministry. That is, until the collapse of his own molecule with the betrayal of Judas?"
Jesus was the link between the molecule of masters and the molecule which was created in the human kingdom. He received his greater spiritual powers
from the molecule of the Christ and this was the one he was technically attached to. He was the female partner (as far as energy is concerned) to the
Christ. If he had decided to become one of the twelve apostles then the invisible Christ would have been the thirteenth, or the point within the circle.
Every molecule has its initiator. The initiator is a member of the sponsoring molecule until the new molecule is completed. After completion he can stay
in the originating molecule or join the new one as the twelfth member. Either way he will be the sender and link to the new molecule.
Because Jesus was the visible thirteenth person this established the basis for the strong authority that ruled the church during the Piscean age.
In the new age there will be no visible thirteenth person thus focussing attention on the invisible God that works within.
"Also, the way your second sentence reads it sounds like you have negated your statement in your first sentence because you said one can be a member of a molecule and start another one and remain as head (which sounds like being a member of more than one molecule to me)."
Hope the above explains this for you. Let me know if there are any more questions.
"Consciousness expands through the use of truth imparted."
-- Djwhal Khul
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved