2003-11-30 01:37:00
John C quotes Susan at the Gathering:
"The Molecular Relationship, which is available on www.freeread.com, about relationships and how they should have been non-sexual. He explains how the molecular relationship should be."
This comment about "relationships being non-sexual" is very interesting and also very disturbing to me. It seems very wrong to me to say to another person:
I love you, I covenant to give my all for you -- including my life. I want to share physical material with you. I want to share one heart and mind with you. I want to be closer to you than even a marriage relationship. I want to have heavenly communion on the soul level. I want to share energies with you on all levels, but NO, I will not sleep with you. That's where I draw the line.
The regular marriage or covenant relationship between two people may or may not be a part of a molecule. Physical sex is not an ingredient that makes the molecule, but those who have a committed relationship will of course pursue their normal intimacies.
Many of the male-female partners within the molecules will be "working relationships" as I explained in the book. These will be partnerships which have no romantic inclinations, but are paired for the purpose of balancing energies and sustaining group soul contact.
For instance, it will sometimes be the case that an applicant will want to be in a molecule, but have a spouse who has no interest in the work. If he or she has no interest in participating then obviously he or she can not join in the group work in reaching the zero point where the magical power of the soul is manifest. In this case the person would have a working partner to create the opposing polarity necessary for balance. This would, of course be non sexual to avoid interfering with the committed relationship which already exists.
In addition to this many single people who have not found their life's partner will have a molecular working partner. Sex will be discourage in this case as with romantic love interest lacking it would distract from the work of the soul.
Sex is a natural function like eating and both molecular and non molecular people will do both, but neither will a special ingredient in the forming of molecules, save as side items of sustaining normal living conditions.
John C:
It seems to me that sex needs to play a part in the molecular relationship, especially between the couples involved.
The intimate lives of those joining a molecule should not change.
John C quoting Susan:
"It's like the 12 apostles and their wives who were very close together and saying their particular prayers together and bringing down power from above. That's why Jesus was able to do miracles."
I mentioned once about 12 apostles and their wives in a post, and JJ corrected me. He used the term "female companions", rather than wives.
I disagree that Jesus was able to do miracles because of the molecule formed by the 12 apostles and their female companions.
First I might give a slight correction to Susan's words. Instead of "wives" it should read "partners" as some of their molecular partners were not their wives.
Secondly, the power Jesus had to do miracles did not depend on the molecule he created that was under him, but it was related to the molecule which he was in which was on the other side of the veil. The angel who appeared to him in the garden was a member of his direct molecule. Without the appearance of this molecular partner Jesus would have died in the garden.
On the other hand, the power of the Apostles to duplicate the powers manifested by Jesus was dependent on their own molecular relationship.
Hope this clarifies. Let me know if you have any other questions.
With increased esoteric teaching comes increased exoteric responsibility. DK
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved