2003-11-16 10:35:00
M. Sufilight makes a post that is unclear, but seems to protest the fact that this is a classroom with rules and I am the teacher.
Every so often someone comes along who protests the fact that we have a classroom situation here as something that just should not be. Evidently to avoid being hypocritical these people would never attend a class or send their children to school. Sad.
Anyone who feels they have nothing to learn in a classroom situation here should withdraw and find a forum more suited to their needs.
Anyone who merely desires a forum to promote their own philosophy should set up their own classroom or forum so they can draw like-minded souls to themselves.
Anyone with an agenda to preach to us and convert us to alter the classroom into an entity after their own image should prepare to have most of their posts rejected.
I just rejected a couple dozen posts from such an individual today.
To help reiterate our position I have included a post I made a couple years ago shortly after we switched over to moderation. Hopefully the new people will read it so they can get an idea of our direction and rules.
My Friends,
Some of the posts on the Shoot the Breeze forum (the Cafeteria) suggests that there are a couple members who feel that we are exercising an unjust dominion on the Keys forum so I thought I would make one more post in an attempt to clarify our policy here.
In an attempt to be open to all things during the first couple years of the Keys we had a completely open class with no moderators at all. We have always had a few simple rules, but during this period those who broke the rules were merely reminded that this was a classroom and not designed as a free-for-all. Most responded positively, but every now and then a member came along who did not and we wound up drifting far from the class topic and many members who came to learn became frustrated.
With the goal of maximum freedom of exchange we put up with these infraction of the rules off and on for two years until a certain member became so disruptive and the complaints and resignations from the list became so numerous that most agreed that limited moderation was necessary.
A few months ago we switched over to a moderated list. Diane is the main moderator and Rick, Travis and myself are backups.
Since that time the Keys have been much more peaceful and on topic, even though a number of off topic posts still come through.
I would guess that during this time we have rejected about a half dozen posts. But even with these rejections the writer can rewrite according to the rules and resubmit.
But, even though the moderation has been mild some have accused us of assuming unjust authority over their freedom to post.
The fact is that no matter what path you pick, however just, in dealing with a group not all will be satisfied. Rick and I were accused of being pushovers when we allowed all to post and now we have a mildly moderated list some accuse us of being dictators.
Overall, with the number we now have on the list members are much happier with the moderated list than the unmoderated one so we will continue with this plan.
Here are some guidelines to go by: If someone makes a post to the Keys and it has definite untrue accusations then we will send it back with an invitation to provide true facts behind such statements.
If someone starts posting in a direction that leads us off topic then that may be sent back for editing.
All legal Keys members are free to challenge my teachings which are under current discussion. As far as that goes all others are also free, but my limited time will also cause me to use discernment in which questions I field. Overall, members will admit I have answered most challenges, all that is humanly possible for me while maintaining the interest of the class.
There is a middle way here and both extremes lead to disorder. Diane, I think has about as good of judgment as can be found for this job and Rick and I do little or nothing to influence her as she will attest.
In the past we have let some name-calling slip through (mostly from my critics). We hope to catch these in the future. If you use this tactic your post will be sent back requesting that the name-calling be taken out.
If your post is seething with negativity then it may be sent back.
But even though a handful of posts may be rejected there is still an avenue to make yourself heard if you feel that you have been wronged. Mark created the Cafeteria for us so all those who wish to express themselves off topic or just let off steam can say whatever they feel like.
In fact I have critics letting off steam right now if you wish to go there.
The address is: http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/50816
Therefore, if we look at both of these forums as a whole we are able to maintain some order with the Keys, yet still have a free-for-all with no censorship at the cafeteria.
I'd call this an approach to freedom and order which is difficult to improve upon.
Now, I do not want to digress into a mass of arguments as to whether or not we should have a moderated forum or how good of a job in moderation we are doing. If you wish to make comments on this please send it to the cafeteria.
Instead we wish to focus on the class.
Some forget that this is a class and as the teacher I have a responsibility to do what I can to keep the class on topic and make sure the class progresses onward with the course. This cannot be accomplished in a free-for-all situation. We have established a minimal of rules to make this happen. This will not appeal to anarchists and a few others, but that cannot be avoided.
So, let us clear the air and move onward as Jonathan Livingston Seagulls seeking new frontiers.
"One night I walked home very late and fell asleep in somebody's satellite dish. My dreams were showing up on TV's all over the world."
-- Steven Wright
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved