2003-11-16 09:43:00
I see the group has been tossing around the question as to "where did God come from?"
Actually the answer has been in the Bible for thousands of years. It says in Habakkuk 3:3 that: "God came from Teman."
Now that the great mystery is solved let us go to the next question...
That doesn't quite satisfy you say. You want more? All right. I just thought I'd try something easy first.
I thought Steve's answer to this question was one of the more interesting and creative I have read for a long time. I think he intuitively hit on several points which are true in his musings. If he doesn't mind I would like to include it at the end of this post for the archives.
Meanwhile I'll give you my views on the matter.
As many of you know I wrote a treatise about creation in the beginning of the Molecular Relationship. In this I took us back to a point which I called Purpose which lies beyond time and space, but which vibrates and creates the wavelength ("strings" as they are currently called) which is the building block of all form.
But now you want to know even more than this. You want to know where the first cause came from? What caused Purpose to vibrate in the first place?
This is an interesting question that has been on the minds of humanity since they have learned to think. In fact if ones goes outside and looks up at the stars and then at the earth he cannot help but realize that the greatest miracle of all is that anything exists at all. The fact that something is here to be observed and there are observers to take it all in is just as marvelous as is the obvious fact that there is some intelligence behind manifestation.
After contemplating the great mystery many philosophers just throw up their hands and say: "The mystery of Godliness, how great it is!"
That said, let us examine the First Cause.
First Cause... This is a term often used as a description (or name) of God.
But has anyone ever stopped to ask if this is an appropriate title to apply to the One Great Life?
Let us use some reason here.
If there truly is a First Cause then there was a beginning to Cause. Whatever has a beginning will have an end. Therefore, if there is a First Cause then there will be a last cause, and afterwards there will be no more cause in existence.
If God is eternal then He could not be First Cause for First Cause can only be if there was a beginning to time.
There is a beginning to cycles of time and creation, but not to time and creation itself.
Understanding that there is no such thing as First Cause is a Key to understanding where God came from.
If there is no First Cause then where did Cause come from?
The answer is: Cause is here BE-CAUSE.
Ponder on this word, "because." When you are asked a question as to why a thing is and you know it is but not sure why - what do you say?
You say "Because."
Cause and effect exist BECAUSE.
Cause and effect never had a beginning and will never have an end. It is the one principle which just is and this principle evolves all intelligence in the universe, even those who are called the Gods. In fact, if we want to find the one God that moves the universe we must look to cause and effect. When cause and effect ceased being random and organization took place in any cycle of creation then the Mind of God came into manifestation.
Think of what would be if there were no cause and effect, even for an instant.
There would be nothing. Nothing at all.
The fact tat there is something in existence testifies to the fact that Cause and Effect is eternal, without beginning or end.
When the universe folds up and goes into the great pralaya, cause and effect does not disappear. The great rest is merely an effect of previous causes which lays the groundwork for a new cause.
The life of God and our lives (which are in the image of God) live and evolve in the universe of cause and effect.
Don't ask me why cause and effect is something that just is. Just be thankful that it is.
Just take advantage of the principle, make true decisions and BE a CAUSE.
I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.
Steven Wright
Copyright 2003 by J J Dewey
Stephen's Cosmology:
In the beginningless beginning(the eternal now), that was and still is; is The Greeny/Grey Shimmering Goo. It exists in a state of non- being(without consciousness as we know it) and underpins all life.
An expansion takes place. From this expansion, it clothes itself with a desire to Be. This desire is not as we desire, but relates more to a knowing, an automatic process bound within the expansion process itself. It is unconscious in relation to seeing, hearing, touching etc, but through the expansive process clothes itself further with the decision to Be and Manifest(not as we decide). From the decision to manifest comes forth the great ocean of Potentiality; Chaos(this is another form of clothing).
From within the great ocean of Potentiality, Duality is formed (another form of clothing). Within Duality Spirit is manifest(The Spark of each and every form). The Spark draws to itself(still within the automated expansion process) the need for experience and learning, therefore the lower worlds vibrate into manifestation for It and subsequently It is clothed yet again.
The Spark through form and experience, and the transmuting of energy expands in the automated expansion process to ever larger forms, gaining ever larger boundaries of experience, transmuting ever increasing amounts of energy from the lower to the higher which in turn allows It to draw even larger forms to Itself. The process continues indefinitely, accepting guidance from those immense entities that went before that It is in unison with.
With each layer of clothing comes a new expanded consciousness. With each larger form, comes a new scope of experience. But on and on does The Spark journey, towards its final destination.
What is that final destination? As unbelievable as it may seem, in my mind we are all Universes in the making. We all in the distant future (for want of a better term), will ourselves attain and become a Universal Logo. Such is the automatic expansion's goal to reach this level of consciousness.
What happens then? In my (some might say disillusioned) mind, our present Universal Logo will continue to expand(in consciousness) all the way in a complete arc back to the Greeny/Grey Goo of unbeing. This then of course furthers the expansion process(with a knowing capacity) in a continuing cycle.
But what about the smaller lives within His body? His body and a remnant of consciousness remains whilst there is a single Spark left to attain its own liberation from His body. A slow transference of Being to Non-Being.
How does A Spark liberate from the body of a Universal Logo? When a Galactic Logo draws to Himself enough energy, enough power is created to open what we might see as space and therefore start pouring forth His energies into the new hole(the new dimension/universe). At the other end of the hole is what scientists today class as the Big Bang. Through this hole, He pours forth(Transmutes) His entire body over a vast period of time. This in effect transfers ALL within His body, into the new Universe, whereby He now, over this long transition, becomes A Universal Logo and thus starts His new life in a new Realm of experience.
So the whole process continues for every Spark(Spirit) in a never-ending cycle of Being and Unbeing. For every Spark learns the importance of lifting the smaller Sparks up to higher stages of experience and knowing, expanding Itself in the process.
I do not know if you can imagine what thoughts like this might do to a person, but for a period I was quite blown away. I have come to accept them as a possibility, but not necessarily a reality. Maybe I am being shown something to further my understanding about something that might come forward in the future. Perhaps it is the creative thoughts of my inner world and have no bearing on anything whatsoever. I have come to learn if there is no truth in it, then over time it will dissolve and fade away. But as I right this, I can see quite clearly The Greeny/Grey Goo of which we all (perhaps) originated from, even God maybe?
In essence, this Goo is the source of all, existing within and beyond ALL life. In my mind, this Goo has clothed Itself with many layers of reality, with many forms of energy so that It Itself can manifest through the automatic process of expansion. It Itself remains in Its constant state of unbeing, forever breathing(expanding) life into existence, almost like an unconscious machine.
I am sitting here now, deciding whether to post this possible madness. Looking within for confirmation, there is a silent peace. How shall I interpret this? To proceed and post, for there might be much truth in it, some truth in it, or maybe it will trigger something in someone else to expand what has been written to clear up some, if not all errors.
I must be getting brave(or foolish). Any comments welcomed.
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved