2003-11-11 00:19:00
My Friends,
I am approaching the time that I need to begin work on Book IV of The Immortal. As the old timers know I was unable to teach regularly on the Keys and write Book III on the side. I just did not have time to do both.
The way I finally managed the time to write the book while still teaching on the Keys was to combine the book with the Keys. As I write the chapters I posted them on my web page and Keys members downloaded them and discussed them here. The one disadvantage was that it took me over a week to write each chapter so there was some lull in the discussion, even though I did add some postings outside the book dialog.
Here's what I have decided to do to keep everyone's wheels greased. That is, we are on a line of discussion now concerning esoteric laws where quite a bit is already written by DK. This could keep us in material for some time. We therefore will continue this discussion, but I will not be elaborating as much as usual, even though I will add some. I will be asking questions, but will not always take the time to give my full take on the answer. It will therefore be of importance that the Keys members research and comment as much as possible to keep the discussion in motion between chapters and provide as complete of an answer as possible.
I appreciate your support and participation. Without your interest the many writings in the archives would not exist and I know your expectations will help keep me motivated to work on the additional books, despite the limitation of time.
I was going 70 miles an hour and got stopped by a cop who said, "Do you know the speed limit is 55 miles per hour?" "Yes, officer, but I wasn't going to be out that long..." Steven Wright
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved