2003-11-2 06:07:00
The Question:
Can the vibration of music be healing? How about certain sounds? What about movement and dance? Could they be considered vibration? If so, can they be used in healing? Are there other healing vibrations?
Very good comments on this subject my friends. I'll just post a couple here:
Aussie Ruth:
If everything vibrates, then with the right thought, action, sound, a positive vibration can be manifested.
Music is healing, if it is through the right notes. A person talking can be soothing and calming, if spoken in the right tone. A dog or cat can be healing, just from stoking their fur. The ocean is very calming and healing, as it is motion, and we also are fluid like.
The American Indians etc used dance and drums in their healing ceremonies. Dance is motion to music which is vibrational. Even a deaf person can dance because of the vibration of the music.
Yunisee adds:
Certain sounds like the trickle of water or fountain somewhere in the bush could be so soothing. There are so many things around us that could raise the vibration, though it may vary with people. Just the atmosphere, a kind of quietness or a kind of wind. When I was much younger. there is this kind of wind that will come my friends and I will stretch out our arms and say God is yawning and it usually comes when the sun is so high and every where is so hot we will be looking for where to run. The effect makes you forget the heat of the sun.
In movement and dance there is healing especially in worship. There are some dancing movements you will make in worship and after, you will feel you have really touched your fathers heart. There's also how you will lift your hands up its like you have turned into the candle stick at the brazen alter and healing flows.
Khadeejah writes:
Now I believe that some vibrations will be healing whilst others will be detrimental ie cause discord or disharmony. I believe that this would depend upon the level or note of vibration of the person who is either listening to the music, surrounded by a certain colour, etc. We all know that the response to music can be an individual thing I enjoy certain forms of music that my partner finds `annoying' to his being. If the music `resonates' within our being because it is in synchronicity with our own vibration, then the effect of this would be to enhance that vibration - just as when two waves of the same frequency meet. We come away feeling joyful, happy and/or `uplifted'. All of which can be said to be `healing effects'. If we find ourselves `moving' in response to music, chanting or poetry (which movement could be defined as `dancing'....at least for most of us!) and this dancing produces positive effects within our being, then I would say that this is also `healing'. Perhaps the effect of the vibration of the music on our bodies (all levels) causes a sympathetic vibrational response within them that enables us to `shake out' our energetic blockages through the dancing. "Just a thought ;)" as Brian so aptly puts it! ;)
I believe that there are many healing vibrations in Nature. As JJ Dewey pointed out `Like attracts like'. I have found that some people will be attracted to `mountain energy' (or vibration) whilst others are attracted to `ocean energy' and they will gravitate there when stressed or tired for rejuvenation more healing! I do not mean to say that they will always be attracted to just the one type like anything else, this can also change depending upon the person's requisite need for healing. ... movement as vibration transfers energy which the body, when at dis-ease, cannot afford to waste......which ties in with the Law of Economy. The line of least resistance in those circumstances is to rest and let the repair take place more speedily. However, in other circumstances, movement is healing such as the physical rehabilitation that must be undertaken after a part of the body has been injured, to restore strength and tone to the muscle tissue, etc.
Can the vibration of music be healing? How about certain sounds? What about movement and dance? Could they be considered vibration? If so, can they be used in healing? Are there other healing vibrations?
Good comments, my friends. The healing principle goes back to John's example of the tuning fork. That is one tuning fork can cause a similarity of vibration another one.
Then, as we mentioned, good health is really due to one being in tune. One center must be in tune with another, one body with another and the lower self in tune with the higher self and so on.
Quality music is healing because it is created by harmonic vibrations and when we attune to harmonic vibrations then our own tuning is enhanced.
DK made an interesting statement about the Christ. Here he speaks of the alignment, or harmony of vibration of his centers.
"All the seven centres in the etheric vehicle of the Christ were rightly adjusted, correctly aligned, truly awakened and functioning, and properly receptive of all the seven streams of energy coming from the seven planetary centres; these put Him en rapport, therefore, and in full realised contact, with the One in Whom He lived and moved and had His being. The physiological result of this complete "esoteric surrender of the seven" (as it is sometimes called) to the incoming spiritual energies, in their right order and rhythm, was the appearance in the Christ of a perfect endocrine system. All His glands (both major and minor) were functioning correctly; this produced a "perfect man"-physically perfect, emotionally stable and mentally controlled. In modern terms, the "pattern of the behaviour" of the Christ-due to the perfection of His glandular system, as an effect of correctly awakened and energised centres-made Him an expression of divine perfection to the entire world; He was the first of our humanity to arrive at this point in evolution, and "the Eldest in a great family of brothers," as St. Paul expresses it. The current pictures of the Christ testify to their own complete inaccuracy, for they bear no witness to any glandular perfection; they are full of weakness and sweetness, but show little strength, alert power and aliveness. And the promise has gone forth that as He is, so may we be in this world." Esoteric Healing Pg 621
Not many have associated Dance with healing, but indeed it is. Aussie Ruth points out that the native American Indians used drumming and dance in healing. I have not heard that before and found it interesting.
In addition they used dance and motion for healing in the ancient temples of Atlantis.
It is interesting to contemplate the similarity between dance and music. The main difference is that music consists of fine vibration and dance is much larger vibrational motions. You note that a good dancer dances in harmony with the music. This means that his motions are in harmony similar to two notes in different octaves.
The question that may arise is: Exactly how could dance stimulate healing?
The answer is quite simple. When one is ill then one or more of his centers is out of alignment. The center which is out of alignment vibrates out of harmony to its regular note. If a person moves his body in harmony with that note, listening to music in the correct key or harmony with the motion, then it will stimulate the center to self tune. When the tuning is complete healing will ensue.
Color can also be used for healing and what is this? Color is merely the vibration of sound speeded up. Color can be used for healing by the use of color in your room to colored light to the ingesting of certain colored foods.
In addition DK says:
A number of people who know somewhat the rudiments of the law of vibration, and can definitely, by the power of thought, apply certain waves of colour to effect certain cures, and bring about, through scientific comprehension, the desired results.
How is healing and the law of vibration associated with different people who come into our lives? In other words, does the vibration of others within our circle of friends effect us for good or ill? How?
P.S. Interesting dreams John.
I went to a general store. They wouldn't let me buy anything specifically. Steven Wright
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